l THE CADET. 97  
saddened heart and tearful eye we have marched to the beat of our T
muffled drum beneath the folds of our mourning Hag. We have  
_ brought solace to the bereaved as best we could by word and deed. We l
; S have laid the fragrant roses tenderly upon the graves of our bosom·
friends as we honsigned them to the loving keeping of Him who arose
" victorious over the grave, and through whom we can say, O, death l`  
  where is thy sting? O, grave I where is thy victory? And as we saw'  
, f love and sympathy ilow from heart to heart in those moments of gloom,. l
Q as we shrank from the thought of an eternal sleep beneath the sod, we- ‘
5 embraced a living joyous faith in the brotherhood of man, the fathcr—· A
Z hood of God and the immortality of the soul.  
  Fellow-sehoolmates, as we part to-day never again to be thus hap— V
g pily united on earth, may the blessings of that faith attend us. Nov
` more will we look into your faces as students of Kcntucky’s State` ` V
;- College, nor shall we be blessed by those acts of kindness and good;.  
  will. Though henceforth we shall be far removed fro1n each other in
  space, yet we feel that the most tender chords of affection will bind us B
 l elose together, and that wherever we may meet in the doubtful future,
we will gladly greet one another with a brotherly hand of true friend- S
ship. -
We sec many friends from a distance to bespeak for us a peaceful B
and prosperous voyage as we set sail on tl1is untried sca. WVould that l
A we had time and words to thank you for this demonstration of human
y benevolence and sympathy. There are those present from the city who
l have added much to our happiness while here. To you we extend
B our sincere gratitude, and I am sure that every member of this class
would cheerfully drink to the peace and good fortune of this fair city,
= " the Athens of the YVest," the center of science and letters.
Yi To you, dear teachers, we can not fully express our obligation 21.11tl
.1 g1·atitude. You have borne with us patiently and have labored earn--
iv estly for ou1· good. Some of you have almost iinished your labors,
' others are just beginning, yet let tl1e close come when it will, you will
all have the assurance that there is no grander avenue of life in which A
man can walk than the one you have chosen. and may you remember-
“ to the last syllable of recorded time" that many alum11i over this .
. ` state a11d country esteem the moments spent in the class-room with you
Q as the most precious of their lives, and that with grateful hearts they ‘
will evermore be with you in spirit and keep your memory green,
= By virtue of the degrees conferred on us to—day, we are to be
S numbered with that honorable host of alumni of the State College. ·
  Before we leave, dear alma mater, may we not speak one word to thee ?.'