Thou, fair daughter of Kentucky, fostering mother of our spirits, thor;
shalt ever be cherished by thy children. Long mayst thou stand like 7
a proud queen upon this scene of endearment and beauty, and may j
thy light be glorious as the mid-day sun. May the people of Kentucky, .
the state of boasted liberality and true manhood, never' fail to foster A _
and support thee as thou deservest. And of the many fountains whose T
waters shall swell the river of man’s knowledge in the future may L
thine be the purestland most sparkling.  
Already I have detained you too long, but fondly, fondly does the `
heart linger upon those things that are dear as life itself. As we go,
kind friends, dear teachers and beloved students, we leave with you .
our warmest afiections. May heaven deal gently with you and with i
us, Finally,we must utter the word that has so often been spoken ·
with a tearful eye and burdened heart, that tenderest word that iiows ·
from mortal tongue to one and to all, " Farewell."
There was a time far back in the twilight of antiquity, when the
movements of certain of the heavenly bodies determined mens’ prophe-
Therc were otl1er and later times when men prophesied by consult- _
. ing oraeles and observing omens, wl1ile their minds were still bound _
and fcttered by superstition, but in this, the light of the 19th cen-
tury, I tind it impossible to prophesy either by observing the move-
ments of the heavenly bodies; consulting oraeles or observing omens, __
but I now proceed from a purely seicntiiic standpoint. p
Curiosity regarding the future and a desire to penetrate its mys-
teries, are dispositions which excite a powerful control over the minds .»
{of men in every stage of society. The restless spi1·it of man is ever  
anxiousto know thc future. The custom of prophesying or looking ,·
into the future is as old as man himself; since the very twilight of his- ,
to1·y, nations have had their seers and prophets, whose duty it has been
to unfold before their admiring countrymen the destined glories of
their nation, to name the great soldiers, legislators and statesmen, who = `
were to play the leading roles in the dran1a of their national lives.
This custom is implanted in the very nature of man, and comes
fdown to us from earliest times.
\Vhile we recognize the present as the child of the past and the par- g
·ent of the future, while paying just tribute to the wonderful deeds