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  THE CADET. 101 1
  Woods will be a great statesman, he will be elected governor of y
  Kentucky in 1908. Trigg and Orman will go into partnership and E
S have a peanut stand in New York City. Case will go to New York to
  cultivate his voice. ,
T And so you see each member of the class is to take an active part Y
$ in the eventful scenes of life. The happiness of the living, their own des-
  tinies, and the hopes and expectations of their friends rests upon them
l as upon the labors of early dawn, and will urge them to be in all things
  and at all times zealous, active and true. Enlightened reason, perfect :
  justice, comprehensive patriotism and benevolence shall be their cardi-  
“ nal guides, they now go forth as the winds to scatter over this great Q
  country the seeds of knowledge which they have gathered during their Q
‘ stay in college, may these take deep roots and be watered and nour- 1
ished until they shall grow and fructify and cover all the land with a
richer moral foliage and fragrance of a more perfect Liberty and Truth. ’