look at the items in PR l carefully and said the Board should take great pride in this report. It
took a collective effort, and he is proud to be the newest member of the team.
K. Personnel Action — Athletics Department (PR 3)
President Capilouto said that PR 3 relates to a graduate assistantship in the Athletics
Department that has been awarded to Mrs. Kirby Willoughby. He said the infonnation was
contained in the booklet, and he would be happy to answer any questions.
Dr. Brockman asked for a motion, and Mr. Mobley moved approval of PR 3. Mr. Shoop
seconded the motion. Dr. Brockman asked if there was any discussion and recognized Ms.
Young for her comments.
Ms. Young said that she has trouble with this particular issue, and it is nothing personal at
all. It seems to her that the Athletic Director’s omission from the Goveming Regulations is sort
of an aberration. The Athletics Director really operates at the same level as the rest of those
employees. This is his daughter, who she is sure is very able and very deserving of this position.
However, there is some question as to whether she is an employee or not. Ms. Young said that it
is her understanding that she will be receiving a stipend for room, board, and tuition as part of
this assistantship. To Ms. Young, this says that she is an employee of the University, and it is
really with great regret that she will vote against this. The Athletics Director should be included
in the Goveming Regulations, Part X, and that should be corrected because he operates at that
level. This is a slippery slope, and once you start making exceptions, it sets a precedent.
Ms. Curris said that she must also with great regret agree with what Ms. Young said. It
appears that there is some uncertainty in the various nepotism rules which need to be clarified.
Ms. Curris said that she did not wish to cast any aspersion on this fine young lady, but it all has
to do with process, and therefore, she must also choose not to vote for approval of PR 3.
Dr. Brockman asked for any other discussion, and there was none. He called for a vote
and said that PR 3 passes. There was dissent among the vote. (See PR 3 on the Board of
Trustees website, www.uky.edu/ Trustees, under agenda.)
L. Appointment of Dean of the College of Medicine (PR 4)
President Capilouto asked for the Board’s consideration of PR 4, a matter relating to the
appointment ofthe Dean of the College of Medicine and requiring action by the Board of
Trustees. He said that Dr. Frederick de Beer could not attend the meeting because of a pressing
travel commitment. He asked Provost Subbaswamy to comment on the recommendation.
Provost Subbaswamy reminded the Board that the vacancy came about due to Dr. Jay
Pennan’s departure to become President of the University of Maryland in Baltimore. A national
search was conducted and led by a search finn, and following all the processes, the search
committee recommended four candidates to be interviewed on campus. In the final analysis, he
and Dr. Karpf concluded that Dr. de Beer was the best fit for the University of Kentucky College
of Medicine at this time.