Student Housing -_Supporting Utility Plant Upgrades
Project Number: 2153.30
Project Description: SCOP? $1.275,000 i
This project includes expanding the Virginia Avenue Central Utility Plant to accommodate future expansion in steam and
chilled water capacity. The project was established in support ofthe Student Housing Project.
Consultant: AIVI Kinney _
Contract # A041000GG Original Contract Amount: $26,315
Total Amendments to Date: Cumulative Amendment Amount:
Describe all amendments : Revised Contract Amount: $26,315
No amendments this quarter.
Contractor: English Boiler & Tube Inc.
*English Boiler's contract was awarded by RFP process.
Contract # 4500008298 Original Contract Amount: $1,147,748
Total Change Orders to Date: Cumulative Change Order Amount;
Low Bid: Revised Contract Amount: $1,147,748
High Bid: Contract Percent Complete: 99%
Number of Bids:
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
No change orders greater than $25,000.00 this quarter.
Upgrade, Renovate, Improve or Expand Research Labs (Fit-up 4th & 5th Floor CoP)
Project Number: 2314.00
Project Description: Scope: $28.000000
The Biological! Pharmaceutical Complex is a new 286,000 sf. academic! research building for the University of ‘
Kentucky College of Pharmacy. The Fourth and Fifth Floor Fit—Out items for the building include miscellaneous metals
and stairs, rough and finish carpentry, wall systems, flooring systems, ceiling systems, doors, frames, hardware,
coatings, specialized equipment, plumbing systems, fire protection systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems and
communications and controls systems. Food Service Fit—out items include rough and finish carpentry, wall systems,
flooring systems, ceiling systems, frames, hardware, coatings, plumbing systems, fire protection systems, mechanical
systems, electrical systems and communications and control systems. Audio-visual ht-up includes wiring, sound
systems, video systems and control systems.
Consultant: EOP Architects
Contract # A101120 Original Contract Amount: $898,640
Total Amendments to Data; Cumulative Amendment Amountt
Describe all amendments : Revised Contract Amount: $898,640
No amendments this quarter.
Contractor: Nlesser Construction Co.
Contract # 4500039714 Original Contract Amount: $19,192,726
Total Change Orders to Date; 24 Cumulative Change Order Amount: $144,045
· Low Bid: Revised Contract Amount: $19,336,771
High Bid; Contract Percent Complete: 81%
Number of Bids:
Describe all change orders greater than $25,000.00:
Change Order # 1, 9/17/10, was approved for an increase of $25,705.13 to assign l\/luItiVista under Messer‘s contract to
provide construction documentation for the entire project to include project documentation (photo sets) with Progression
and Detailed Sets, preconstruction site survey and slideshows. No change orders greater than $25,000 this quarter.