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14 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Y
_ same analysis and contain equal amounts of carbohydrates, say
A l 70 percent. One may be a straight by-product feed with a i at H]
fiber content of 8 percent whereas the other may contain a highly V not ]
fibrous filler and a fiber content of   percent. The S-percent  -
fiber feed contains 62 per cent nitrogen-free extract, which is zi T mgm
highly desirable constituent, whereas the 25-percent—iiber feed  ; mlm]
1   contains only 45 percent nitrogen—free extract. mmf
' The quality of the nutrients, especially of the proteins, is  N if)
particularly important. Their source, therefore, should be from g}_O§`
enough known materials to assure the presence of the proper  ` QOHS
kinds and quality to meet the requirements of the animal.  _ who
PalciczbiLil‘y. Natural feeds that are palatable are usually , Com]
safe and nutritious. There are exceptions to this such as ; wld
. sorghum stunted by drouth. Sometimes, after a certain period, g  {Hm,
animals refuse to eat feeds that are palatable. This may he  
1 because there is a serious nutritive deficiency such as a lack of  _ fcc,]
· vitamin A or deficiency in certain minerals. However, paint-  Z; Sam,
ability is an important factor for it makes little difference l1o\1‘ E food,
nutritious a feed may be if it lacks palatability, its valneit ; Whh
lessened to the extent that animals refuse to eat it. Some feedt   KOH
. may be palatable and suitable for some classes of animals and Hol p mw
1 for others. Again, some feeds may not be palatable and s21t1S·  1 tm,]
factory to some animals when fed alone but when combined with  
other feed materials may p1·oduce satisfactory results. Exaniplri   mm
malt sprouts and distillers dried grains, when fed alone, are 11***  ` the ,
_ rel ished by most stock, but when combined with other well-lil1<‘1l  T mm
materials prove highly satisfactory. It should be kept in 111ll"l ’ ,,,,,1,
that stock do better and yield more on rations made up enti1’€lf  ;
or chiefly of palatable feeds. {