
       Mr. Griffin's motion was seconded by Dr. Nichol.as and passed without
dissent. (See FCRs 1, 2, and 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       N. Bvlaws of Medical Staff, University Hospital Adopted (MICC 1)

       Mtrs. Blazer. serving as Acting Chairmnan of the Medical Center Conmm1nittee
in the absence of Governor Chandler, said that the proposed Bylaws of the Medical
Staff, University Hospital. had been reviewed by the committee ard the commniittee
recommended the adoption of the Bylaws which were a part of MCC 1. M0r. Clay
so moved. His motion was seconded by Mr. Griffin and passed. (See MCC 1 at
the end of the Minutes. )

       0. Resolution Presented by Mr. Wendelsdorf

       Mr. Wendelsdorf was called upon by Governor Nunn to present the reso-
lution which he had submitted to the Board members as a part of the materials
mailed in advance of the meeting.

       In view of the fact that the Board members had already had a chance to read
the resolution, Mr. Wendelsdorf requested permission to not read the resolution
but to address the Board in support of it. Pernmission having been granted, Mr.
Wendelsdorf read a prepared statement, the complete text of which appears at the
end of the Minutes attached to the copy of the resolution. At the completion of his
remarks, he moved that the resolution be adopted. His notion died for lack of a

       Governor Nunn said that even though Mr. Wendelsdorf's motion did not
receive a second, he would like to respond to his remarks. He reminded those
present that he had sponsored the legislation which placed a student membnenLr on
the Board because he believed strongly in the value of student input into the de-
liberations of the Board of Trustees.

       With particular reference to Mr. Wendelsdorf's resolution which called for
the Chairman of the Board to appoint a new Student Code Comnmittee conmposed of
Mr. Wendelsdorf as chairman, Mr. Bell, Mr. Goss, and Professor Oberst,
Governor Nunn said that he had comnplete confidence in the present committee and
that he wished Mr. Griffin to remain its chairman. He pointed out that Mr. Bell
and Mr. Goss were on the committee already and that Dr. Sears represented the
faculty on this committee. He agreed that the committee should have student
representation and appointed Mr. Wendelsdorf to the committee, thus enlargings
it from five to six members. He urged Mr. Griffin to call a meeting as soon as
feasible and invited the students to send their recommendations to the Board
through their representative or through the comrmittee. He expressed the wish
that the committee make every effort to bring its recommendations for the 1972
revisions to the Board earlier than it has been possible to do so in the past.