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                             UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                             STUDENT GOVERNMIENT
                                     Student (;cnter
                              LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY ( 10506

SCOTT WENDELSDORF                                                     REBECCA WESTERFIELD
    PRESIDENT                                                            'ICE

                                            June 1, 1371

     Governor Louie B. lunn
     Chairman, Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky
     Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

     Dear Governor Nunn:

          As you are aware, the University of Kentucky Code of Student
     Conduct is re-examined yearly by the Board of Trustees. These re-
     examinations consume many months of study, hearings, and meetings
     culminating in proposed revisions submitted to the Board in April
     or May.

          The feeling of the Board seems to favor an early consideration
     of Code revisions for next year, perhaps February or March of 1972.
     In addition, I, as a member of the Board of Trustees, would prefer
     that the committee exhaustively re-evaluate the Code and present
     the Board with a detailed report rather than merely a new document.
     Certainly an indication that the Board is willing to take an intensive,
     objective look at the Code would go far to regaining the credibility lost
     by the Board's handling of the Code this year.

          Because such a study would have to begin no later than November
     and extend past the tenure of the current committee chairman, Mr.
     George W. Griffin, I recommend that a new chairman be appointed and
     charged with conducting the thorough examination indicated above.

          The new chairman of the code committee should be trained in law
     and extremely familiar with the current document. He should also
     be a member of the University Student Community, since it is this
     community that must live under the Code, not the Board. The remainder
     of the committee would of course check the chairman, and final authority
     rests exclusively with the Board.