beliefs through law, when the Baptists
hnvo nil through tho nges stood so con
sistcntly for tho freedom of conscience
nnd ngninst any lnw controlling nny one's
right to worship ns he plcnscs.
4 Jfa
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Jl J
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"I nm enclosing n clipping from the
Alumni of University of Kentucky who hers of the Kentucky General Assembly Topcka Cnpilol, tho most widely rend
hnvo been nctivc in the support of their in the Interest of n more liberal support dnily pnpor published in Kansns."
Almn Mntcr in legislative mnttors nt of the University. Members of the Legis"Education In Kentucky"
Frnnkfort hnvo received spcclnl recognl-tlo- n lature hnvo expressed pleasure nt tho
Tho chnnccllor of the State Univcr
nt the hnnds of their follow lnw Interest of the former students in cducn-tionsity nnd other educators in Kentucky
This correspondadvancement.
of important
nrc protesting ngninst n bill, snlil to hnve
to the ence hns been cnrrlcd on by tho oldest the support of n good mnjorlty of both
committees hns been nwnrded
nlumni In the House of Representatives nnd tho youngest of the nlumni, writing houses of the stntc legislature, which
nnd three of them nrc on the Rules Com- - to stntc olTiclnls, the solons nnd others forbids the tcnchlng in nny stntc school
mittcc which is in entire control of interested in public mnttors, not exclud- of "nny theory of evolution thnt derives
legislation during the last twenty days ing editors of tho lending nowspnpers of mnn from tho brute, or nny other form
of the session. These are John E. Brown,' the State. Typical of these communiof life, or thnt climlnnttes God ns the
Joe F. Bosworth nnd Arch L. Hamilton.1 cations nrc the two following addressed crentor of mnn by a direct creative net."
In the Senate J. Will Stoll has been' to tho Speaker of the House of RepreIn n word, Kentucky's legislature has
appointed on the Rules Committee, the sentatives nnd a Kentucky college prj- - henrd of the
Dnrwininn theory.
second Republican to hold such a postf sident respectively:
Probnbly the chnnccllor doesn't tench it,
To The Speaker
in n Kentucky Senate. The first was Joe
but objects nevertheless to being directF. Bosworth also n former student of( "I think the treatment the Univer- ed whnt to teach by a stntc legislnturc.
In the world ns n whole it would be
the University. Senator Stoll directed, sity has received at the present session
the defense of the University in the dc-- j from the Budget Commission is a public disastrous if lcgislnturcs with nil the
"monkey bllls." outrage, nnd the petty tomfoolery that other problems
they hnvo to settle
bate over the
Supporters of these bills in debate sug hns been enrred on nbout the monkey should now nssume the function of tellgested widespread nthcism among unl stuff is even worse. I hnvo just return ing experts whnt to tench in their
ed from a considerable trip through specinlty though it mny make little
vcrsity graduates and teachers.
Consideration of the evolution meas several states and have noticed editorials difference in Kentucky, where any teachures in the Senate was postponed by a in nil of the pnpers everywhere ridiculing ing Is better thnn none. It would not
vote of 19 to 17 until n time when the the Legislnturc of the Stntc of Kentucky greatly startle the world if tho KenRules Committee would take charge. A nbout thi3 so called 'monkey business.' I tucky legislnturc should- require the
majority of the Rules Committee are op- believe the Legislnturc enn snfely leave schools to back up the Voliva physics, ac
posed to any legislation on the subject, to the fifteen reprcsentntive citizens of cording to which the heavens nre conconsequently the "monkey bills" are con- Kentucky who constitute the Board of stituted of brass, or some such firm
sidered dead. Similar measures in the Trustees of the University to see to it solid, nnd the stnrs nrc hung from it
House now become the charge of the that nothing is done at the University in the manner of chandeliers, while the
Rules Committee there which has taken that will jeapordlze the' safety of the earth is not a sphere but a plane, the sun
the attitude that other matters deserve young citizenship of this State that may is only 8,000 miles distant and the earth
earlier attention, so Darwin will be al be enrolled there. Furthermore we have is surrounded by n fence of ice to keep
one of the very highest class men, Dr. mariners from fnlling off. This sort of
lowed to rest.
McVey as President of the University, a philosophy would probnbly suit the KenX
Christian gentleman is every respect, and tucky mountaineers well enough, of
Press Tells of Strength
In dispatches of the Associated Press he will see to it that nothing is taught whom the story has been told that following the appearance of a book agent
last Sunday was an account of the grow- that is not strictly all right.
"I certainly hope you can see to it that some years ago selling Rollin's Ancient
ing strength of the University in legislative circles at Frankfort. Two meas proper appropriations are made to take History, which one of the Kentucky
ures designed to bring an added re- care of the University and that the denizens was reading aloud to the comvenue of more than $150,000 annually present session of the Legislature does munity, betting was running high as to
have been introduced in the House. A not adjourn and leave the University whether Titus, the Roman Emperor,
revised inheritance tax is provided in a to flounder along for another two years would capture Jerusalem or not.
Legislative strictures on teaching are
measure introduced by Dr. B. A. Muster, with inadequate support. You have no
chairman of the University Committee doubt read the report of the Commission nothing new, being the rule rather than
in the House. A bill limiting the fee of of high class citizens who made the in- the exception during the Dark Ages,
oil inspectors and giving the surplus to spection tour of the various universities when the penalties were more severe
the University may be a compromise be- last May and recommended a liberal ap- than those provided by the Kentucky
propriation for the University of Ken- legislature of a maximum fine of $1,000.
tween Representatives Arch L. Hamilton and Frank Stranger who introduced tucky. The State of Indiana just to our This is a comparaticely mild infliction
measures with a similar intent. Repre- north maintains two state universities. for heresy, so that it may be said that
sentative Oscar Vest was author of a bill Purdue at Lafayette and Indiana Uni- the new "Kentucky resolutions" prove
to abolish the office of oil inspector, versity at Bloomington, each one of which in spite of themselves that "the sun do
which after heated opposition and re- alone receives more money from the move." Topeka Cappitol (Kan.)
State than our own University. It is a
peated amendments was
serious situation when the young men
and is expected to give way to the Hamilton-S;
and women of this State apply for adbill.
of the mission at the State University and arc
An interview with Speaker
House James H. Thompson by Herbert turned away on account of lack of funds.
Graham, the Alumni Secretary, expressed With a properly supported University
the great need of a more liberal financial the great natural resources of Kentucky
Daniel W. Perry, '13, writting from
support for the University. Mr. Thomp- can be developed and a handsome return McKinzie, Tenn., states that he has
on the investment in this University will severed his connection with the Westing-hous- e
son who has been mentioned as a potential Democratic nominee for Governor be received by the State each year in
and Electric and Manufacturing
next year has taken a stand in favor of the number of graduates turned back into Company, Pittsburg, where he has been
tax reduction. In addition to favoring a the State as a finished product for the for several years. His present address
I is 127 Cherry street, McKinzie, Tenn. Mr.
larger annual appropriation for the Uni development of the Commonwealth.
versity he advocates an expansive build- certainly hope you can bring your good Perry registered a protest n receiving
ing program for the next eight or ten influence to bear to help out this situa- his copy of the Kernel after having left
years, as recommended by the University tion."
Pittsburg, and urged thnt the change be
its work last
made at once ns he is "missing all the
James Anderson Yates, '90, head of the news."
The State Board of Health which suc- department of chemical
and physical
ceeded in taking from the University and sciences and director of electrical and
James Madison Graves, '00, is assistant
Experiment Station the Puro Food and mining engineering at the State Manual general manager of the Dupuenso Light
Drugs inspection in 1918 and sought to Training Normal School at Pittsburg, Company, at Pittsburg, Pa., his residence
complete the separation act by removing Kan., aroused over the movement to ban address being 435 Sixth avenue. PreviPublic Service Laboratories by a bill the teaching of Darwinism in
ous to his present connection he was
introduced at this session has received a
Kentucky educational Institutions, superintendent of the power station of
Provision was has written to a college president in the Duquenense
very marked
His home
mado for an investigation of the finances the state as follows:
Mr. Graves is
nddress is Lexington.
of the Board and a separate State Board
president of the Pittsburg Alumni Club.
To a Kentucky College President
for Chiropractors, both of which were
"I notice in tho Journal published by
Vigorously opposed by the Board of the American Association for the Ad- Lynn B. Evans, '15, is manager of the
posHealth officals. Indications of a
vancement of Science and nlso from the Kansas City branch of tho Studebaker
of the Board by
larger daily papers quite a little com- Corporation, his address being 2029
legislative action have been noted at ment concerning the proposed legislation Grand avenue. In 1920 he was sales
beforo the present Legislature of Ken- manager of the Hare Stoker nnd Furnnce
A return of all the Pure Food and tucky.
I have understood
that the Company at Detroit, and previous to that
Drugs work to the Experiment Station Baptists are pushing this legislation.
was with Franklin Manufacturing Comis provided in measures already intro"I have said to friends who have tried pany, Franklin, Pa. During the wnr Mr.
E. Brown
duced by Representative John
to twit me about tho matter that I was Evans was a junior grade lieutenant in
and Senator Newton Bright.
certain that the leaders of the great the navy.
Tho right of eminent domain Is given Baptist hosts of Kentucky were not beX
the University and tho State Normal hind this movement, and certainly would
Miss Freda Lemon, '18, who has been
by RepreSchools In a bill introduced
lend their influence to correcting any statistician with tho Warner Sugar Comsentative JameB Park. Senator Starling freak Legislation that would tend to pany, 79 Wall street, New York City, for
Marshall and Representative John Tins-le- y nromotc discussion of any conflict be- moro than a year, has changed her resihave introduced bills that would make tween religion and science; that there is dence address from Fort Washington
women eligible for appointment on the absolutely no conflict which every well avenuo to COO West 157th Street. Miss
Board of Trustees.
informed individual knows and I am sure Lemon was instructor in radio during
that your leaders in education work will tho S. A. T. C. at tho University in 1918.
see to it that no legislative enactments She was graduated as an A. B. in EduAlumni Law Down Barrage
There has been nothing of timidity are mado that would put our denomina cation. Her home address is Providence,
In the approach of the alumni to mem- - tion on the side of controlling religious Ky.

Alumni Notes

Betwixt Us

Thomns Henry Cutler, 'OH, is superin
tendent of construction for tho Powers
Thompson Construction Compnny,
Jolict, III. Mr. Cutler wont with his
present firm compnrntivcly recently nf- ter hnvlng been nn engineer nnd c"n
trnctor nt Gnry, Ind., for several yenrs
Mrs. Cutler wns Miss MIrinm N'nive, 'OH.
Their homo is nt 111 Herkimer street,
Jolict, III.


Evnns L. Shuff, '10, is now with the
Combustion Engineering Corporntion, 13
Brond street, New York City. His home
nddrcss is Georgetown, Ky. Mr. Shuff
wns with tho Wcstinghouso
Compnny for n time nftcr his grnduntion
from tho College of Engineering, nnd
Inter wns with the Wcstinghouso Electric
nnd Mnnufncturlng Compnny, in Chicago.
Following his dischnrgc from the nrmy
in which he served during the war, he
was nsalesmnn with th" Western Electric
Cmpnny, nt Cincinnnti, nnd before going with his present New York concern,
wns with tho
Frederick Engineering
Compnny, nt Frederick, Md.
Llewellyn Chnuncey Brown of the clns3
of '00, is mnnnging editor nnd pnrt owner
of the Evening Independent nt St. Petersburg, Fin., with which newspaper he hns
been for the Inst several years. He was
graduated with the degree of B. M. E.,
and in 1911 was granted the E. E. degree.
He is a native of Harrodsburg.

Ho was granted the L'. D. degree by
the University in '1(1 nnd by the University of Louisville in '09. He is n nntlvc
of Lexington.


A lumni Directory
The F. D. Lawrence
Electric Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio

Fourth St.

Elcc'rical Supplies
for the
Electric Co.



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For Any Magazine
with RANSOM '05


The Magazine Man


In a recent article on the fortieth anniversary of the dedication of the first
three buildings on the University
campus, Dr. John L. Patterson, dean of
the College of Arts and Science, University of Louisville, was listed as a member of the graduating class that year, '82.
Dr. Patterson took his A. B. at Harvard
in '83, and his A.M. degree at Kentucky In


Mrs. Guy W. Smith (Miss Linda B
Purncll) who wns grnduntcd with the
degree of B. S. in Home Economics In
'17, Is now mnklng her home nt Lnwrcncc,
Knn. She wns In chnrgo of the University
enfetcrin when It wns first cstnblished,
for severnl yenrs.


Blandville, Ky.

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