xt7dnc5s819q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7dnc5s819q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1960 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 31, 1960 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 31, 1960 1960 2012 true xt7dnc5s819q section xt7dnc5s819q h, Cnmyn
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   ‘    CTTT 0 Kentuck
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  U.K. ALUMNI    
———-~—---—·-*—5° ??Z?Z?Z?Z?E?$Z?EEE? 25 °°° .0  
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fclume XXXI May 1960 Number 2

        »»-       `;‘    
s _ 4.         ,  ‘.·’ I? ~·,· ‘ T    ‘  ~; »-,·  I j;_·L t Q ;'· " ' I  `I ` ____      ‘__ __I __I »J ..¤ ‘ ¢‘ i   iti l     , 4   ;  *Iji_ .`·»   ‘.`" _   _ ' - j  ·`‘" \"? _ ;_·"41 ;‘;;?I`; Z:%3 I 
E 1 
  Make every eflort to attend all events includirry the Serninar and tht- annual nrt~t·ting; ol` the .-\1unmi
if I .·\ssociati0rr. 2 A QUAR
I JOHN F. DAY. VICE PRESIDENT FOR CBS NE\\’S will he the reunion Iratriltrct sp<·akr·r. l);n.
I as llead of it W01‘l(1—\\‘i(le organization that provides all news prograrnrnitrg pt‘t·st·|ric<1 o\’t·1‘ the (1115 '1`<·1·— ··*'r ’
I vision and Radio Networks. promises a most stinrrrlating and llI1L‘l`t'¤lllII.I t·x·r·trirrt; lor us. \\'it1r the ap he Ken
4 proach ol political convention time, Day will talk about some aspects ol politiis that will not I>r· ol corn,
‘· mon knowledge. °“P“Sh,°‘l q““
_ = entueky on th
* I REUNION PROGRAM MAY 27, 28 II(f"@§§’IQL,r§
f ALUMNI SEMINAR; Friday morning and afternoon, and S;run·d;n nntil Noon. ;<§II°LI;°" 1“°
Y ‘ SATURDAY, MAY 28 ,mbc, gf  
  ALUMNI REGISTRATION; Music Room. Student l'nion. and (;;n·rr;r1r;m Ilouse, III;00 ,\_x1, io 1:;oo ifI:‘II_IIfI*‘%0u{’Ij
.. ‘ Noon. -—————
§ _ , . I __ 4 4 I Entered as Ser
_  ALUMNI PICNIC LUNCH; Carrralrarr House, Newtown Pike. 1J:.»0 1'.X1. to In- Iollowcil In annual me at LCXIIII
 _ meeting of .-\lumni .—\ssociation. ’:s;;;’I€I{?‘(:$"
 G RECEPTION, MAXWELL PLACE; 3:30 to 5:30 l’.\I., l’rt·sidcnt and Nlrs. I·`r.urI·c (Q_ I)iiI\t·\. hosts. S1?
  _ 4 ' y owen
 4} ANNUAL ALUMNI BANQUET; Ballroom. Student l'nron. o:00 1*.XI. Im G_ Km;
 . rrguerite Mel.
_. SUNDAY, MAY 29 ·¤ Kumi -·»·
I  BACCALAUREATE SERVICES; ·1:00 1’.XI.. Memorial (Zoliseum.
 ' M0r~u>AY, MAY so §§ff‘j"";"
` _ `. E\ . J `I
 ;. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES; 10:00 A.M.. Nfernorial (lolrscunr. igvilu? ugatlt
  I Ir.§'e§1III{ 
  I The classes planning reunions and their chairmen are: $$2,; sig,-ra 
 Q 1910 (50th). Dr. 1). \’. Terrell; 1920 (~1()th). Clyde Bland; 1935 Igrllll). _Iot· 1*. Ru1>t~r1: 1901. 1)r. \\`ilIi.mr i§I§;,ilI;II$l}Q,;1
j  S. \\`e1Jb: 1902. H. A. Hoeing; 1903. Marguerite \1c1.angh1in: 1901. \1rs. Rolrert \\`y1i1: 1921. Rex. R. ;iIIi2"I£I(‘:]I§
 _;   Raible; 1922, Mrs. \\'i1liam Logan; 1923. Dr, \\`il1iarn (L. 1·`inn; 1939. Ilonrer \\`. Ilrompson: 1910. \lr~ ¥i¤i¤I1Bl- Bla;
  Richard Crutcher (Dorothy I-Iillenmeyer); 1941. Airs. Norman (llrrisnran (_I<·an Nlariv NIi(Zouu<·11t1 1912. .1&_D.(?il¤.ii
Q  * , Nlrs. John C. \\10rsham (Margaret Cantrill); CLASS O1? 1958-Iid Berk (;\rts K Scic·rrc<·s`1. (IIIIIIIIIILIIIZ (lI.t~~ §If;’:I°$EI9ggé
  R€pI`eSe11tZ1ti\‘eS: T\1i11iam G. Nlartin (E(1lICI1[I()H`)Z Iohn Miller (1.aw) loin liossett (I)I1lIl`1I11l(\lZ llrurt Dil`? I?621I
  . ` . . , .. . V . ’ ’ ’
 » Gaslun (Commerce); Robert H. Adams (Elec. Eng.); Harold (L. \Iays ((1n‘z1 lang.}; Iark \\ ircman IAIt'kl1.1Il1· i€Xgnm(,II&"iF[
 { I Cal Eng.): Hugh Y. Shotwell (Metallurgical Eng.): \\'illiam Luce (r\fJIl`1(1l11l1l`(‘). (Z1..\SS ()I·` 1939-r _Ierr\ IgI;_I1?""`S°"·
 Y· : Beard (Commerce). Chairman: Class Representatives: \\'i1ma Rae lillis (.\gr.1: Mrs. Ian (Llowr Rin; ?¥¢¤ \i<·g11¢>¤
 i   (Education): Fred Bradley (Law): Dorris Howard Ralston ('Plrarnracy): _Iohn l._ llampton.   (.\r¤~ \· qIe;rlli_  
 I _ Sciences). }:g’£IOIITI‘I"‘;Z\_;
  The Class of 1910 will celebrate its Golden Inbilee this Mar and will I`C(t‘1\`(‘ Ilall (lvnturx (.Iul> wm KY- (T
·. < . _ . ` ' H. Hartlwrt
 . I certificates at the reunion banquet. tom Ky. (TC
1 - Carlisle Mye
  L kexingora, IT;
. ;. I """"‘—·‘·‘···"_"—"—*·········· ·¤rQ·1i;
 ,     \Vil1 you attend the Seminar [3 yes   no I I_ H0mm,AL_ I
Q   - il I I ville, Kenttrel
    ‘ ........................ . , . , .. ._,, , rk Patil (bl
— > , Y v . 1.
I   I I (crass) (Name) I ir.§§I1.%_  
-   I'. I ' ' .
  I t I I . . . (Ad.l.I4.. I . .  
`   r ' I ( CSS) I Street, Clasp
z .;  ig; I- . . . . ..... .. . . ..., . . . , . I _ —I *— VI1;i1li¤¤¤ D
I  Ii  ·· _____________________— lucy.
I I ll?  i,'i I .  ..,_ -—
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uuii ,, 1
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t·l1·· -——r ·»s·"——s’·;—"L?_ 
  he Kentucky Alumnus
) Y
Published quarterly by the University ot Contents
entucky on the campus of the University,
Lexington. Subscriptions to non-members.
00. Membership 1Type A) in the Alumni NIAY 1960
sociation includes subscription to the
  ALUMNI REUNION DAY RESERVATION CARD ..... . ..., . ......i......i... 2
amber of National Editorial Association.
23llU Kentucky PISSS "*SS°°l“tl°“· Am“"l°““ ALUMNI ASSOCIATION NE\VS . , . .. .... , ...l......... .. ,...v......v..... 4
Alumni Council.
t Entered as Seeertd Class Matter at the Pest (IEXTURY CLUB PLEDGE CARD , .... ., . .. ,. ....   ......,.....   ...... 7
llll~'l tice at Lexington. Ky., May 1, 1952, under
e act ¤_t Aug. 24, 1912. Edited by the Alum- CENTURY (QLUB REPORT ___,_,_   , ,. , .......... . ..............   ........... 7
tty Bowen twigs _____·___r_'__v__ Editor ABOUT THE ALUMNI . . .. . ,. .... . ....._,............................   ......... ll
-len G. King ........... Managing Editor . _ , ,
u_guEr_rt(_ rtrcrettutttttm   Associate Editor Ul\IVERSIT\ STAFF 1\E\VS ,   .   ., ...............   ................ . ..... 16
en Kuhn .................... Sports Editor _ _ Y
Ul\IVERSIT\ AFFAIRS . . .,.. .. .. .. ....   ................................... .. ...... 19
· . 9
EXECUTWE COMMYITEE 1959,60 SPORT NEIVS   ,._..._ . ..._ ..     ._......_..... . .....,................ . ............... -1
‘. Ralph ]. Ang~lucci, President, 2101. Nich0· —
lasville lload, LLexington, Ky, BIRTHS, DErATHS, \NIEDDIN(rS . .. . .   . ...... . ......... . . ....... . ......... 23
Berkley Davis, \`icc President, 1624 Alder-
son Court, Owenslioro, Kentucky  
    King. Director of R~\lumni AEairs,
...··A·., .*1 ,'.
Hr In A,   )]‘(i·t-agrgggéblsglllcgjzs DL-pm-{mem, Mit. Iiltncr Gilb, Paris Road, Lexington, Ken- M1; {amos A. Sutherland, Bl00mHe1d, Ken-
a U ·. ·» {K. .k- ue-y. uc·y.
r t, ,s_"¥;`§l$l,;iD,§’ C_ `_§§`§$,.§_ Old Km, pim vc,- ur. wiiitnin c. rytecenneli, 2106 south msn, sn. yagtt watson, 1726 Beverly Blvd., Ash-
` " sailles Pike. Lexington (Tenn expires 1962) llwkinsvillc. kentucky. land, kentucky. _ _ r
ylt, illiayn R_ Bl;,cl;_ 390 N_ 33rl,_ 5;__ Paducah, Dr. O_. B. Murphy, 743 \Vest Cooper Drive, Mr. R. G. Wells, ]r., Pikevrlle, kentucky.
( _, Ky. (Term expires 1962) l—·l‘N}“lil0“· l\_Fm\;Cl\'Y· _ _ _ _ _ _ ts Q d Nrondav
iii-. iith D. tsmnaiinit. Jr., cnaiz, Ky., (Term Mn Mwton W Mel. Civ E¤z¤¤¤¢¤S 0Ffi¤¢» Eescume C°’“m“‘” me ~€°°“ · ·
- , expires 1962) Henderson, kentucky. night of each month. September through
(ll" Chard E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term ex- MT- M¤K¤>' _R€€§l~ I\’·· 1925 Spring D¥i‘·'€» Ma}? fl:30 D-“l·· Carnahan H°uS°· unless
;t-tttt pins 1962) Louisville o, kentucky. otherviise specified.
. ty A. Huguelet, ]r.. 1469 Lakewood Drive,  
llilllli Lexington (Term expires 1962)
terrr 113rt1I?a\vso11, Bloomfield, Kr. (Term expires ,
`lgm., athen xtctiiey, r>.o. Bur 548 Owensboro, Ky. A   n P G   H    
. (Term expires 1961)
`l* —\` Ties HT Pence, 615  Gliifth St. Louisville,
zrdldori ]$ni2t·§;E,lriiexti?gt6g Herald, Leung- Only about $39.000 is needed to graduates at various times during the
(Q] ll ton. Ky. (Tern expires 1960) . , . i . ‘. ‘ . .
l ’ H. r_rmdwick‘l Kcmuckrnu Hotety Lexmy ][’,l(ll the g(`)[ll SCI lit} Ill€ I.Il'tl\€l“S1[§ }€€U`·
¤<>¤¢ lw- (Term expires 1960) ol l{ClllllCli\' AI11111111 Association for .\ Louist-me alumnus O{ the Uni-
Carlisle Myers, lr., 12.11 Richmond Road, . _ . ‘ _ _. b . tt_b ‘ _ _
%¢¤¤i¤¤{¤¤-   (Term eypirvs 1960) _ <‘lQhl l)m_l€€l$ UNI “'ll C hlflll em? versity has come up with a good sug—
'Lii'}1..§i2».}.I"i§T"`?i£;..i""Z}€"R$$§£.$"“°"°S’ ¤‘· Th¤$f¤§¤1~‘¤S gestion tint migin be 161161rea by
titeplken ?§atki1;s,f2§_1 Iinegigli St., Lcxiug— l)l`Ollglll out at lllC 1`C€€11I lll€€Ullg of other ¢;]`[l(lllZl[C$ who want I0 l)€CO111€
,   oarr o ruse . - , _ · * _
~_ Ralph _r_ ,t_,,gcluCc;_ 2101 Nicholnsvillg ptr, the t'X(`(`llll\`L‘ t`¤¤ ntieniiioii. ,___ Director Helen King and pledged his
tlrliatnll.To1y1i’> I)l`l)l·CS$l)l`S and other Contributions are \\‘b{]c enough gl·;l(l11;l{€5 to make up
APPOINTIVE MEMBERS ll>il‘¤1§ the <>l>_lC<`il"<‘$ of 1110 film- the tlchrit may not pledge their bonus
r·_§0n;€r L.11}aker, 501 snutli Second, Louis- liillwl Wlllfll WM li¤llll<`ll<`t,([(»,·_ Feb 2],
rtttckrllmu D°°p’ 117 Cm" H°“d°"°"‘ kc"` aiitl will serve as a rallying point lor l9(3()_

        . 4  .   » ··· -   ».=:# . (A      ``'`A    
` {    " R 1  Ei f f? T Y K iw     ..[          <·  . .  Q _. — ¢~ " * ~  _ s -  “ ‘ ¥"  ”·  _ r   = ‘  
_ Q You tmdouhtetllv ltave heard:
~ '_ names l>el`ot‘e—l`or these men 'l`“""ll‘“" li
  e` among the IIIUSI distinguished i;1Wlll1Cl1c*"l “"
. j lield ol connntmications—and all during ll‘“_“
  Q scheduled to headline the pr‘ogr*aida)'· Mi'}, 2/*
‘ the third annual Alumni Sem uml [hc l)“°#*i
sponsored liv your UK .·\ltmmi ·‘\Ulh*"` el
e sociation_ STORY- lvll
"(Zommunications l960—Seekiii_l926 W 1921
l Balance Between l·`reetlom .·\ntll\0l1‘*"i*1`}`_l·l··
1 sponsil>ility" is the challenging 1b€g=•¤ 11** “
Y   whiclt will he discussed ln an Hilllilllr Kl··
_ standing panel ol speakers, and j<>¤¤<‘·\U~
  lor the Louisville (Courier-_]ourn;r CX'¢11= .v\rts Bt
`    ‘ ls ll ow l e tl g C—2I sttre-to-l>e»inl<‘l`¤‘ {pgp lm
" ; LY. ‘_`· _ . topic in view ol` the 2Il)I)l`()il(`lllll¥ ]·`]—;mk (
 1     __ tical conventions. }¤l—(;{`uCc
2 is  
2.  ’  t -————————-# .--
. S?. lf ‘
. ··   .-;#£ 13* .

mq, 'l`xm-rirrrr l’\llll/(‘l' l’lll(' wirrmr Dun 9:rlU»"l’¢ili1irs. l’r.~ Prem: .»\rr Unlruly ,»\llium4·?" Mr. l’urri¤·r i.rr<·¢·r uri rlr¤· Pumi Ulm wl I) “_I , I 1 H - M  
. . . . 1. s-- 4 · ·2 A . tc "  
up Hurlurr. kx., l).•rlx l·rrr¢·r|»rr»¢- rrr lflilll l lm llu H N` Y lf?] V  
_ _ i . . ( _ , lulrrr l)u\. l)r. .·`~.mr‘v \urr». Mr \\,mi S H · IU H  · ·_
, . . . u z . ; . 1 ‘  V - -
gl] Hr win rlm·l nl rlir \\u~.lrrrr;_;rmr \IHw’"Vd ln ml ml I mu"' -.  
.rx ’l>ur·¢·uu ul rlrv Nur York llvrulml 'l`r‘i I ‘ ‘    
,.,,, r,r....» i.. r<»·,·».:r:. rrr~ r·r.r.r~-. r·r.u·~ —·""¤ ·»···— ,-*·· W **·~~m·}}¤_·· *···<·   v’*‘
Ul I ggurrr rrr llliill An;] ]{I§| [4,] (ljxljn *`*"“(l l¤·r>pl<·. l\l1’. \"]|ll§l]]\ }’,_   M » .,_
hw gui¤lrul lrrrvigrr ¤·»rrr·~rrr»rr.rc*r`l r M   l
rpm ing \\`<‘(‘l~l\. Xli Xllllrrr lr.r» lrurrr u rualin |\jng`|,ulr\ _
lllll TV ll". l)l°`l°l°m‘ `llumm lxlilullui Tr;ll(l— R¢·r¢·priurr ur ()l¢l kcurr l’luu· lor i
Hm, uml rrl·.rrru· rlrruror ur ~·»rm· nl rlrv smninw (Ummmw $(_mm_H_ up " I _
H1 [ lurgui .ru(lru~r¤·r~. -
M il, (l¢llll}>l<‘lll<'llll[l; I lr I ~ <|lll\l.|ll(llllg WV
_l)mk (lllQlI'{('l .rr¤· rrrlrvr ~]u·;rL¢·r~ iw arr ~ur‘<` Sururrlux. \Iui 28 (.ur‘rrulr:rrr ll<>u~¤’    
H,`l(1_ \()\1 will \x‘.||\l lerl\<.1r \Il(lll(ll|1§_[ lllll [U!) Hyun {IH ··\\‘Iu,].(,   thy lr.,ll.HH(_    ilcw   A 4,} 7 M
r ul] Mll“*l'(l· ""l`ll'm Ylllml (ll llw ly" l\\t‘l‘l\ l·r<·<·rl<>rrr zrrrrl R(’\})f\]1\ll)lllI\`?`· DOH “hl[eh€dd` '8
.l [hi irrgrurr l.r·;i i·’ `Aif    »
m , {ur rrrlrlil r¤·l.rri·»ri~ nl (,r·r»~l<·\ l*»r‘r>zrnl- :’{e <€$·•:  = M-, Ar l ‘»=
r1<\\—   _ _ _ _ ,  V  __·/f . , ¤·
dv H rusting (.¤rr‘rirrr.•rr¤»rr r\\ l.\\ r. — _ . `  ‘ `·    ~`»
(MV \l¢·rrrl>r·r~ ·rl rlr<· l`rri\<·r’~ir\ lulirlrx ` `   ii; ____ I 
ilmw wlm mill .ri»r¤.rr (rrr rlrr ~r·rrrirrur prwrr - .__    `
wm ,, grurrr imlmlr l>r. l.. Null l’lirrrrrm·r.   "* _i T`~_  
;_m_M tlifullnr nl rlrr- Nmlrrnrl nl lrrrrlrrzrllvrri  ,_€ ` H_`____(_ A . K
rl__IT`_V Dr`. \rrrr\ \`.rrull-rrlr¤»~rlr_ llirurm lil            ll is
rl ml l’2lll('l>l)ll Snlrmrl wl llirilrrrrrmi. llr. *       E   / .‘
In M_ _]ulrrr llull. l)¤·r».rrrrm·rr| iii 5mirrl<>·;i:   H "         {
:):;.Ui:lliilr;r.i·l i\;.ir‘rrrr¢£rri ull     .    
\I)_Hm_ _. ~ l- MN x Mm llll r.rrr l ~ »   `lf _
(llhw l)rnL¢·x. _ ‘—;  _ Q _   _ ` 
lull (ilrzrilrrrzrrr ul ilrr wrrrirrur uirrrrrrirtnr l; "   » l i l ; Q_,,_,.W  
H {IH \\`lri¢lr lrlurrrrvrl rlri» ~rirrrrrl.rrirrg lim   ~ `_i  _   _—  {   ..    
md I grsrrri i~ ()_ l., l’rr·~~, glruirrrrurr ol ilrc i     __·   . · ;_;:i;`_i ni
llwiairlrrrcrri ul Rulliu ;\r1~. »—  A  *     
l tm _ llrv crrrrrlrlvry pr·¢>;;rurrr lrrllrmm   » i l
i*l>*'*l' ` Ffillary Mu} E7 (Qrrigrrol `l lrurtir. l*im·   _  
Fl <*"` .\l`l~ llirilelirrg ls  
lilllllll lliflll Zl.lll.·~(il`(‘(‘ll[1;j|\[ UK Pl`(‘\l(l(‘l]\ I /8 g.--·
*"l’lll! l·`r‘urrk (L. lliekcx i i I ·
l'l‘¢·luu· rrr rho Serrrir·r;rr·: O. l,. l‘11·>> Wlilliillll B· A1‘il1\11`» `37 ]0hu F. Day, ’38
-UMl THE xsurucxy Aruruuus s

   0 i   ._ 1,_‘ _   '_r· q. ,   " · ¤ `z 
  .   i¤·    `‘`¤  `  ‘‘   `’‘`   .__. . =.        i  
 . The Century Club Is On The Last Lap To Victory
· ‘ Heartening is the word for the suc— Iour children ttearittg college age 'I`he th·tt the »··· -· ~- — —· - ,42I PI
_ -7 . . htcatcst plcastttc tonnes
-. cess of the Century Club catnpzttgn! prospect of tlteir financial needs for front having ntonev httt in its in-., I0 III
· Less [IIZIII ll y€Z`lI` Z`lgO y0lll` AIIIIIIIII }\$‘ C(Ill(`i\ll0Il III [IIC l)CI`I()(I 1lI\Cll(I   [l`l\l\'I lISC." l I I P]
v SOCIZIIIOD. i11itii1t€d2tCiltnp2lIgll [O raise Iil`I.gI\I<3llIll_L§. BCZITIIIQ IIICSU lll‘(‘(l$ IIIII l{i(hiii—d   lliiiiiiiiigi   (·ii
  $i250,000· for :tIutnnt—sponsored Univer- nttttd. itt no settse do I consider tttysell hihh with (ii_iii_i.iii i_iii_i iiii iiiciij _ I III
stty projects. with the hope that this tn an economic bracket which . . . en- ··ihi,hk ,,,0 H.,-V ihhih hn. ,i\.iiIii _ .
i campaign would reach fruition by'I965 ables tue to give $500 to the llnit·et·siiy_ [hl. iiiiiihiihhhii hi ii(.iiiiiii_   iiisi (·°IIIIII
`. when Uk celebrates lt€l` C€llt€l1I1l1lI- H0\\'C\'cl‘. I spent sotttetittte tltinkittii hi ihi. (ihhihi-\i (ihih hhihq. ihir
  AS Of this writing) ]\{m·C]i 15, ]_96()_ III?‘IIII II IIN IIIRIII iIiI*I IiIIi*imI<` ll O\`<'I` tttotttltly ittstztlltttettt plan. I ;ttt1
g the Ceiitiiry Club Fund has recorded with ttty ttttderstatttdtttg wtle. \\'e de» i,h.im.ii in hi. uhh. ii, heh, [hh ii Total t
 ir ii wml of $225,785 iii Cash and pledges ctded that neither tottld the (Zotnmotr w(,,·,ih. (.i,uSc_·- Ccumi
 _ and less titan $25,000 now remains to IIi°‘IIIII III I‘?IIIIIII*)I IIIIIIIII I‘I_l’I'I'_III" *' _
  be pledged in Order to Teach the 5JUU btnltls lot tlotttg sotnetltttti; tt wgts To Improve Etlucationttl Fntiliiii $1-300
  Campaign wml. ttty natttral duty to do ....l »\ll   rc·:tllv ytiiyiiiml ])_ yuh {hh-h_   ·i· tributir
 Ii; This is ¤ wi ¤¤hi¤~‘¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ =·¤<* is =· iii;] iiiit~iiiiiiLiIIIiiittliitiwisliitiiwtiiiitiIii.); I‘i`II.III`"I` II" I`, iI°`I`i`°'I III`I`I-II` It H III
  eredit to the volttnteer workers and to i,,Ym.L.uh hi my mx'im\.iimiis uic iiiioi i)_.(iI{u`ilIml III III in? IUIIIIIIIII
l   the dedicztted ztlutnui who have either (med ih [hmé iiiiiiiiii miisiiiCi_ iiii_ \IIi In In lI_IiIIIIII`III` II`IIIII$ I
Q pledged or cont1‘iI)llt€(I K0 {ITIS ¤I!`i"O· i)o;·t;in[_ l’ttl)lic edttiatiott in all cate- Ii(jIt»I|"iI— UIIII ·“`mi "l(I IIUIIIIII IIIIII I
o ` NOW IS THE TIME *0 PIII ¤ MIC gorics tan ttm ttettttttamt S., tat at t ,,,IfkIiI ii(—II(`m`III—,I MII IIIIII "III
 I. *I‘I‘I€(I €fIOI`I IIIIO the GIIIIPIIISIL III ant concerned. Follotvittg this thotturht nimi [inf »(]mIiIImiIi)IiI. III IWIII
 I pledgé YOIIYSOIL if YOII IIIIVC IIOI ZIIICIIIIY this is to sztv that I will send votthtnxI ii-] Ll [II. Li I.I(im0i?I MIIHM of -— ·
    done so, or. if yott have, to see your check {0,. $500 when iht. hhhus ig i um m tit Ic"? H of ilu WHICII
  [ Classniatc Ol- neighbor OI- f€llO"·_K€ll_ paid], .\I·l (‘Xl)JIlI`I2Il:('(I I\l'IlIlI(`IiIQlIl,IlIi Wlllill Ilils its lls gmt]
;   I within the next year or two. \V]_TH (i€tllllI`}' (ilttl). I Itgttl r;t[lter (lt; it {hit II!I¢LIi¢'*I HI IIIgII(‘l` t~tlttt;tti.»n in Ii
V  j YOUR HE[_p_ BOTH T]-[ROUGH wzty than obligate ntysell lor live ye;trs_ IIII  
.   _ CONTRIBUTION AND SO]_]C['[`_5\. It is il pretty good chunk ol cash lor (Z. Rol>t·rt Ycatgcr. `Zi!. csctttttxt
;  Q n TION_ \\/E SHOULD REACH OUR un average Izttnily to pttt out attd I president ol the I,. (Q. llallottt (Qtr
_  *0 1 GOAL BY JUNE ]_ }Q5()_ probzthly c:tn`t ztllord it. but I \\'itIll to onc ol lII{`s statttttltcst altttntti. nt. He
r  I Hercwiih are Printed Cxccrpis from szty thts—ztlter what the University has this tottttttcttt; "I ant ctttltvslttg nn  
 . Some letters which have been received done lor me and what tt is cttrretttly plitzttion lor ttttanliersltip in tht I
g y A in connection with the drive. The`, doing lor my children. I Willlt to assist tttry (Lhth. I thinle this it ;I tt-tmtltq COT
f j V Point up the devotion and interest Oi t0 my `tltm0St. Wltetltef I cétn itllortl Il I(ICit Ltntl I Ittrpc il good tttgtttt .tltt·
 E I UK alumni in doing something really III II°I· *IIlII>OI`I iI·"
V  .Y t Constructive [Oi. Alma Mmm-_ Dr. Roscoe Iiztslt. `25, oi Lebztnott. I)r. I·l:trrv R. \\`;tlkt·r. EIB, ol It ''`` ’
`   Tenn., cotntnented that "it might seein Iattd. (Z:tli|`..Istatt~s that "it is with gt: SII
    I yyam In TOO a bit unusual lor me to enter into a pleasure that I ioitt the (letttttrx til:. _____
  iii  i_ i From Dorothy Tanner Cabot, ,35, pledgeiolil tlttisiztinottttt since I ant now Ititally, ·l)ax·irl l,_ II`ltorttttttt_ I[]ll_ \ H(
 _   I I Htmstutt., wtmse ttuttmtt iszt memtm f,f;fI;ji]i"IIIf{‘_ {“I.QI?"?"I‘i _I’I"‘$“""‘.· ?"'II“*· I`I”‘ "II"I"°I’ """"""‘."·."II
4   4 A Him: ui am Proud that Matt is Zi mem-   .' tt   ut litilll .tt tc.tr·t .t-nd it tug tltree tlegtees Irotn tht- I nntt— · ····
i   ber Of the Century Club butl want in, xiltidllilil tiltlultt. III lllttlslllg lillts t-tl Ixcttlttt ky Illlil my tlgtttglttct on  
 ‘   i too! So, herewith is my initial con»  Iii;i:;II?Iii iiI.I m_,iiIiII_ III? IiIIIII’II` I°°I IIIIII IIIIi IIIII"I`II“II}` II‘I` ‘I‘III" III .....
Q   UibutiOn_Scni in the Spirit Of Aloha Y id miiic AU v0illli_\y1[   \\tIl 5])Citll iUI`·UllI` lztnitly and want to have ;ti]··
i   i and with deep gmiimdc to my Alma int I. votstu, ot, still have ahtd- mitts teaching and reseatrlt expattswt
i zg i`/later',. Illgl [dill] I Ill [IIC l)l"Il1(I])ICh. ttt(‘lItt)(Is Iltcrsc ;trc· I)tt[ ;t low ol [lit- (Ita/t·1l~ ·····
i i l: 0 Phil Ardcr ,35 Louisville umn C aint ipiiltctcs that h.tvc .tly».tysHgttttIetl lttters wltith lltavc heen tontttt;
T  in ik L i ya) r yi H Y, [IC .¤I( ITIInI§[I`¢l[I()II ol I.IlIh gI(.¤l[ lIIlI· \\'llIl (()ll[I`lI)llII()IlS I|l](l l)l('(lgl‘\’rIIII
 i   gtlite izsictihgiiitiiittic yyrhtcleriiui pledge, yerstty. irylso, when one reacthes the ol wlticlt, itttitletttally. are Iront I" Al
i   I `_ Veterans Hcgsri ie ir: oytei ily many nie ol hltyiihe will know, tl he has gt·;ttItt;ttt»s_ \\'II,I, \\'I·Q I;I·j III·..\l1. will ~
llgll \(l1111
ln help
cilities of
ki:111. noir
utk ()x1·1—
,;,,.ml;,_,l,, Alumni Association — University of Kentucky
·* lh wu] 1865-l965
tion in l~.
lltl in. i . . . , . , , .
lluxilil m Here is my contribution to the University ol lxentucky .·\llll`|l11l Century (.1ub Fund 1n the amount of
l"*l"¥ ""   .......................................... l hereby pledge to pay $100 annually on tl1e dates listed below; or until my
> in 1l (
, ;, “.,,;;d(.,. contribution totals $500.
lllilll) .1|11·
gt`,-img,. NGNILD Year Month Amount
¤··¤¤··‘~ 11- ......................................................................................................................................... _ _
uml »2U`\ HO\IE ADDRESS 1960 ............1........... *5100
H A . t 1
""""_"·_ " _ __ ,_ _ _ 1901 ........................ 100
ht. I Hl\li_ ···· ·····. ..·...·.. ...... ................... .... ................... .... .................····..··· ···· ···.··· ·.·· . .... ...... ...... .
¤·ul¤¤<·¤ ~·= BUSINESS ADDRESS 1962 ........................ 100
" ‘l""" W ..................................................... . .......................................... . ...................................
0 have i1·]’·' CLASS YEAR 1905 ........................ 100
llCXIliI11hI01 ( _
[hc (|.,,l·H. ...................... . ..........................................,.............................. . .................................... IJO4 ...................,..,. 100
1 mornin; DATE
[;°.};l;,";;{:( All contributions are tax deductible and checks should be made payable to University of Kentucky
Alumni Century Club Fund.

  .. . r a i . »—~~··-   .‘;»»—;, .   .»   · ’; Y   -V= — 1.; 
  _1   I   ;‘*        
X t
;§ ‘
-  A by Herman Lee Donovan, University of Ufcd I_“
    Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1959, 162 Iem "_I I
  Pageg un goinj
  .lns tusti
g   loin ol ·
if  ts; gener:
.   wad to \\
 ;_ {iis collt
.       political
`Q ` Assembly
- ; statutes
g ` ` state de]
IC L define j
`f  EDI'I`OR’S sorts: The review presented /tcrctcil/t ¢·ntp}ta.vize.s· the l1ll])Ul'itIlttSluU`. *"
  this book to every man and woman ittlcrcslcd in the progrc.v.s· and t[t’t`t*[opt "°l—l€“I`
¥ of higher education and should hold special interest for alumni of the ('nirt ·"‘*““ _I"'
 Q, of Kentucky. It is a vital story of the man and the institution he Iteudctf·‘\S""""'I
 { fifteen years. President Emeritus Ilcrman Lec Donovan made fI'('l1l(’1tS(ihU()i"
   ,vV - contributions to Kentitcky and her University during his tenure. Iit’t1(i;uiCH‘ I"‘
  review and then order your copy from I/to University of Kentucky I` me ‘“"’
.  jeopa rtlt
 E  of Unix
  tnitcc W
i°‘ issued :
Q Q priate rt
 ·, To keep a university free and grow- ln hfteen interesting chapters the tttcky yoted in 19-19 an apptop the stat
  ing requires a man of heroic mould. author outlines his problems and their atnentlmeut to the state ttntstitttttt made lt
 . t Such a man is Herman L. Donovan. solutions in the areas of finance, build- .-\ll college presitlents are tontin and lac
  j For fifteen years, 1941-1956, he per- ings. public relations, students, faculty. subject to pi·esstires from many citizenry
 i` I formed this service magnihcently for athletics and so forth. Pre-eminent ments of society. 'l`he president hamper
 if the University of Kentucky. among them, as would be naturally ex- state university is mort- ltttch - eral .-\ss