,l GATTON , B.S. ’67 — ANIMAL B.A. ’56 — CIVIL B.A. ’61 -
;~ ADMINISTRATION I Recognized as one of the M.S. ’58 — CIVIL Following a brief career in
  Since IQSQ, when Gatton leading network sports ENGINEERING Kentucky state government,
  W35 jl_l$[   y€glI‘$ ()l(_l and 3 bI`OHClC3S[€I`S 1I] the   The retired cljairnlgin and Host b€g?lH   CZ].I`€€I` in
Il , year after obtaining hj5 H2l1'l'1H1OI1Cl t1`2lC€S 1115 SQOITS CEO Of "[`eXrrOn lnc_, a $lO Sl)OITS fI”12lfl{€t11'1g 2lI'lC1 21550-
    M,l3_A_ from the \X/hanon journalism roots to thor- billinn glnbal ccinnany Wirn ciation management in 1972
li l Graduate sehool at [he Uni- oughbred horse racing. A inarker-leading Onerariens in with the formation of jim
ll i versity of Pennsylvania, he ¤21tiOn2ll €Xp€1’t On thor- the fields Of aircraft, aurn- Host & Associates, later re-
l i has owned and operated oughbred pedigrees, he was merive, induerrial and named HCI. Starting with a
I automobile dealerships, and a pioneer in the use of finance, Harclymen cenrin- small group of clients, HCI
I later banking and real estate V1Cl€O 111 Il1OI'OLlgl1l)f€d 1`€lC— ues [O Serve as a direcrer Of A has Si1’1C€ fOrg€cl contractual
, enrerpi-iSe$_ His first experi- ing and breeding activities. Fleet Financial Grcun, Air relationships with the NCAA,
  enee Came while working His coverage of the 1992 preducrs and Cheiiiicals, the National Federation of
lr   part-[line at an auto dealer- Breeders Clip f01' network Schneider Electric (France), SIZIIC High SCl`l00l ASSOCl2l—
  l   in l‘€Xi[]g[()['] YA/l]ll€ television €El1`1'1€Cl   HH Cifcilit   Arnericzin Stan- {101*15 HI/1d IlLlI'l1€I`OL1S
Y , earning his degree at UK_ _ Emmy award and he re- dard, Ch3n]piOnSl]ip Aurn universities and athletic con-
_ He would later Serve on a I ceived two Eclipse Awards, Racing Tennis and Leinnarlc ferences in the promotion of
number of national boards tl10fOl-lghbféd f21CiI1g'S top Intern3[iOn3l, He is a rnern- sports i1'1 A1T1€1‘iC3. There 31'€
  inelueling the General Mo- l award, in both 1984 and ber Or the UK Beard Of offices in Dallas and New
tors Presidents Council. i 1996. FOY NBC Sports he has Trugrees and for Several York City, as well as Lexing-
; Faithful to his alma mater, in COV€1“€Cl the Ol}/IT1lDiC Games year-S headed its finance t0I1. He is president 31'ld CEO
, 1995 he made a gift to UK in 1988, 1992 and 1996, and cernniirree Under his influ- of both HCI and Universal
l that toelay renlaing the larg- l1€lS l)€COH1€ O1'l€ ofthe [Ol) ence, TeX[rOn cOnSiS[ently $[30115 AHICIICZI, which I‘€—
i est ll] [h€ l]lS[()I'y ofthe basketball and fOO[bZlll play" increased   Operating per. cently I'H€I`g€d   Bull Run
i Llnlver5ity_ The UK Board of hy—play announcers, ferrnance, delivered Steady Corporation. At 29 and fol-
I Trustees later renamed the covering the Cotton, Fiesta, grewrh in revenue and earn- lowing th€ €St21bliSl'11T1€f1t of 21
5   college, The Carol Martin Citrus and G21tOf bowls, ings, expgnded irs glgbal SLlCC€SSfLll real estate firm, he
,   L G;\[[()U C()ll€g€ Qi" BLl$l[']€$$ 2U`[`IOI'1g O[l1€I`S. He WZS the presence and cOnSiS[en[ly l)€C2ll'1’l€ COIT1H'11SS1OI']€I` of
I I and Iieonoiniea He is a I play-by-play announcer for increased Snarelinlder re- Public Information, then
  member of the Colleges l tl1€ national Cl12i1I1l)iOI`1Sl1il) rur-n_ prier re jeinlng Commissioner of Parks, i1'1
i Hall of Fame. I 1995 Orange Bowl, pitting Texrren, he enieyed a gg- the late 1960s. In 1998, he
l Nebraska against Miami year career at Ernersen was named Kentucky’s En-
,     ZlI'II'IOUI'IC1I'Ig roots Electric, Vt/here he   3 [1'€pI`€I]€UI` of [h€ Year and
\ date to days as sports direc- nuniber Of pOSi[iOnS includ- has received a lifetime
tor for WVLK and \X/LEXFIV ing nresiclenr achievement award from the
in Lexington and he contin- National Association of Colle-
` ues to call Southeastern , _,  _ ,  giate Marketers.
I Conference basketball   [
|     games. In 1999 he was _      I
  l ..  lg  elected to the Kentucky 1·,        ,
I     journalism Hall of Fame lo-     ·'  
l 2    cared at UK. ‘”   "     
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