of them happening again?   .   _ »· ;   V ‘ _-,. t. ._   .` V eee .-it   V " Le"·e V _ _
Trotter said the people of Ballard V A * .`   · = et T .7 ·’"— { Y A   ., .~   _j Q_ f`r __i,;   ‘   .
A County in Western Kentucky have e V ` . » ; Vi, if-       5   v· , *9 r · ` _ a _ V.
come to understand that larger commu-   P af.   C     `{ 2_ ,,__ '_       `¤· _   < ·V*
nities with greater population will be 5 . V Q`; "   gee';   _ i   _j;f{;.j., eel,   ·I‘t¥·.`  
first priority if an earthquake in the `   ~ ` V O .5   ·' " _ VQ; 5 le ¥-¤·   a ee
. New Madrid Fault strikes. ` 2     -   .  hw     ei . TLT,. _g`·€?e·> " `  .
l "They know they’re going to be on W" e·   .  -   .
l, their own because helicopter aid and __ _ if ~  —-   lllr 1   i ._ V " f _.
first aid and National Guard disaster ·~ i   t   ' . ( i f " js _
rescues will go first to larger commu- P ` Q ' ~   _’ t
nities with greater populations," said V gpl; »· T T     ;t .. V __eeV,; .
Trotter. Henderson’s Norm Carroll r = ‘>- ‘    
says this attitude works in Western _ ,   .;  
Kentucky. _    je" -. i .
"People here know how to take care   ;.· ·= V e i V _e _ i  ;,;;e.._ ,  
of themselves, how to be of benefit to   _ _ · "`e°T*~. V V   j
€z1Cll O{l`l€·f,” C21f1`Oll said. “It’s all €X[€H-   O   ·` C   _ ` l
sion of the old block neighborhoods?   ‘ ` V_    
Bowling Green/Warren County is an   _ A ee j
;i<;\I};)tl?OC;£;i;iOiI£Hg;$eileig?ie1;;; Pat Trotterputs Baron, ber giant sc/mauzen tbroug/a his paces on a (typical
paredness plans — even before the tmmmg day
mitigation project was implemented
statewide. The city and county have
initiated a large sewer improvement
project, instituted bridge and road re-
construction plans and launched an
EEieeiiggiicgieqeegilglEeeiigsegifgggeeeée War protests, she said, "That feeling of what Cities due ttitttte nt-iid; .
Beiwiing Green/Weinen Ctinnty has giahhhg Y; fiefiv (ether? l3;_d‘;imHh[ {OY "I like the university atmosphere a .
been nsnieei tt Pteieet ininttet eOinniti_ e;iYeeirS· ee e me lh I IS 15eehOh· lot," says Trotter, whose dream is to ?
nity_ gi eerh Omg hOW tmttete- teach either a certificate program or a
Aise Ttettens wtitk is 3 new twist te _ et {eb She SeYS_’[ feels geed _ concentration through the master”s pro-
iiei iiiel Fm mnie than 17 Years She 1<¤eWt¤sti_ {hi eah geelh ehe heel? eeilde gram at UK. Another dream is the .
was cmp1cyec1r¤rricrr—1ccrr¤g and Public   165 Owl €C°m“‘g M el   §tliit;ti>iteiiiiitt¤t¤ae—
    H? W°j;‘n”1S‘€h""(SieS S?meieiih‘°”l rvttttttetsftirv between the University tttttf .
Park in rrrrrrcrs, strc co—hostecl 3 weekly §i;";’Si;i°“S· ef e has ef ? U. es; the State ttt thsttetet memtgetttettt has ~
racing srrcw on the css television arrrrr- OU if C°‘“m“‘?‘lV give f°“°F“V 9 prevetf an effeettve <>¤e — <>¤e that site t
me- After milling tO Kentucky as [hO$e#W1Yh the 3h1hYY te PW hlghel would like to see enhanced. Pat Trotter i
meiikenng diiecim im the ThOi.Ougii_ taxes. Of VYO the POOY peepfe ef the e e would like to play a prominent role in I
bred Owners and Breeders Association COImmlmty.WhO hevefewer resmmeb 3hY ehhuheemehh l
Sric instituted tr series of wccrccncr V “’.i‘i‘ee‘i;h§if Own Pgs? feedstifnsl Wl? “Aftet elif She Svys pteudfy but i
workshops designed to teach people Elegii tem; II§ee;lVS;iie?Ie;?eii?3 COS S  ezttrdred to be a bu- i
how to become involved rn racehorse NYOU have tO imOW YOUY Commtmiiy I ‘ ‘ · |
ownership. She had kept a broodmare {O imOW hew KO deal with it ,, Says Tme
of her own and bred four winners from ter ..Ai_e nursing immes reifetieed, Are t
four foals, including a stakes winner. there peer peepie iivine in the need Q .....   V_ e    VV.i;_e_i.VeV   .. V
  I glew [.u_€Cl,Of the  ellucs Of plain?" These are questions Trotter is   / . _ _.   i t [     l
i  ei;ceg§i;1el;iteiieeTr$Vi;ie   urging people to begin to think about.  J V;  — V.    i
Wee ei the Bieeeieee eee Seiveeee IHer interest rn disaster management e ttee · . eee . Vie i
Army She eeeieied eee Weeted te ee spills over rnto her personal life. As a s§.'g~i‘i·i   i
_ ’ . _ V . ° ,, member of the Greater Kentucky at   I
eemethmg mO1€ m€°mmg§ul’ Seme- Search Dogs, an organization dedicated . Y '
. thing that really 1U21tt€fed· to search—and—rescue missions, she is i, l`
eiegevlgieiidelielngeffi?EE(§elZeZVOe·ke§t?ee training her 2—year-old giant schnauzer, ejeigyj   . _ I
of Columbia ri Latin America Slug- Below as e disaster dog He ls being.     ~— l _A O l l
. . ’ trained to locate trapped victims of dr- t
gested a career rn disaster management. Sesieis Such as the ezmhqueke in A jlood-ravagecl home j
It liirsepeeiyleil erfgiiexig  eee Vieeeiem Turkey or the Oklahoma City bombing.  