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    / A  .    Z nl I , s€2’§;>            -   `  Q -    ‘   ·   Wa   [     ` #=  ‘   V ·
    `“* V         `·“‘ :v°     ” · is ·- -~<¤"~ ~}· r   T5?  c   c -·  2% T ‘
  `,.-  ·      - i    V—-,     are   q-    ng   ‘ jiefizf  ,. F ·'   ii? LV . ·  ~
  K   I I . r‘  H 7(7"l,"__ ;‘s\In_`·   r       .r W   '   "   U {   rj iv .7. ‘ 4
ig'!   Fl   oi  i   i . '*£*   . .      .   · V ..  it}    A.]
H     fessor and chief of the Divi- Recreation and Dance recently _
s james Taylor ’41 recently re- sion of Orthopaedic Surgery named her Elementary School M€mb€1‘ Lu]-ks
( tired after 15 at Duke University of Medi- Physical Education Teacher of   and
years as a foreign cine. He is recognized as a the Year. She has taught at counting
correspondent for pioneer in the replantation of Mountain Gap Elementary just Show Y0u1‘
European news- severed digits. He attended School for 19 years. jon W M¢mb€TShQ7 C¢17'd·’
papers. Before   UK on an athletic scholarship Anderson ’66 is associate pro- More than 20 local ann na`
that he was a se- jamcs a lor and as hon red with the f f th l th tional busmesses provide
_ ’ _ ,41 Y W _ O _ Cssor O an mp? ogy at C discounts and other privi-
nror editor of TV Leadership Award rn football Catholic University of icgcs to Association nicni-
Gaide magazine for 25 years, and chosen as an Academic America and co-director of the bers IhIOUgh U18 M€mb€1'
and editor of the Kansas City All-American. He is also an Arab Information Project at glncount 1;r2Ogmm‘ bN€;’ ad`
Star and sports editor of the honoree in the Associationls Georgetown University. He is egiglnicingg rrnlggldgr an-
Ybpe/ea Statefauraal Many of Hall of Distinguished Alumni. editor of a new book pub- disconntcd AAA services,
his 22 books won interna- lished by Indiana University mP1g¤Zl¤€ $¤b5€YlPFi0¤$, and
tional awards, including the   ) r V Press titled “New Media ia the *;;>;;1;¤l<;r;j;i§i¤;¤}jn;fn;<;;
Mark Twain Society rn St. Betty Byrne 61 1S 3 pl1yS1C3l Mus/zm l»%r/ah The Emergzng interested in participating in
Louis and the Del Oro rize education teacher at Moun- Pub/jc S /yg;·g_" Charles $_ ·
P P the discount program,
from Stockholm. Lee Giles tain Gap Elementary School "Stoney" Cox ’67, ’68 is viee please call the alumni asso-
’54 is the news director at in Huntsville, Ala. The Ala- resident and director of fed- onmon et 1‘6O6'257`1499 or
P e-mail
WISH-TV in Indianapolis, bama State Association for eral Programs for L$3P Asso- phCOn2@pOp uky edu
Ind. He has been news direc- Health, Physical EClL1CHtl0H, ciates Ltd. LS3P offers Check It Ont i I
tor for the station for three de-   · V
_ th · _.   -; r, rv an- rrrsr   rr  Check your membership
cades. Grles earned a H2;£{)¥1104' Bu·thday’   ll " ‘     status on the label of this
bachelors degree in radio, TY JO €gc'  W i. ·.·i* 7 *- magazine. If it says "Mem-
Him, and reieedmmuniearione _john Blair Flege has lived in three · ber" you're in good shape.
K Srdnc Neuman ,58 ,61 is centuries. April 2 he will celebrate _ If HOL C0f1Sid€f i0i¤if}g Y0?
‘ Y h I { ’ r iris 104i*· brrrirciay. ne expects his , r _, day- if the ¢{¤v¢l¤i¤·€ m this
3 Partner In { C QW Inn O family to be on hand just as they T   ll issue is nnnsmgg
Rothman Gordon ln P‘nS‘ were when he celebrated his 100"‘ " .;\ ` Ygzinan l3‘nrn:ln§('§;"
burn Pa- Hs is med in *>¤ih<*¤v m 19%- 5 fnenibgfsihig rperilrcarran by
“ T/ae Best Lawyers in America, Flege earned a degree in agricul- _ gi n 5 eaiiing rhe alumni assOeia_
]999-2g0g" for Trusts and Es- ture from UK m 1918. Hrs late  rn   rr rirm ar 1_8O0_269_ALUM
rarer, and has reriesrediy brother, Robert, graduated in the 0   · __ (25g6)_
named this hnnnn which is same year and his younger brother, JOM] Bia". Hdee ,1 8e Welcome
i, d is { RaymOnd’ gieduml In 192) sea/ed and bis New Members
  if  Y’   he     Of WL {stri Of >a,·Ora,»   2; Thanks for your warm of
tomoYS ln I o Snlno Pmonoo six, grandfather of 15, great grandfa— _) df ` ji/· )_ . _ ‘ ’ me Urriversiry Of Kentucky.
$PoouuVY throughout the ther of 14 and great, great grandfather HUC, Og°    O, Your membership in me As-
Uhhod Smtos- lomos R- of O¤€· HQ and l1i5 wife, F1¥1¤€€$, /017,2 S ZQO fgufbcléoi sociation allows our organi-
Uibaniak ’ 58 icccivcd dic were married more than 70 years at Ce/v1¤¤‘¤¤<»~ In 1996 zation to offer programs
r igoo Sheen Award, rr $25,000 the time of her death in 1995. designed to help. UK stu-
l sn C n d r C S C n ns d n n nn all en He was an Adair County Agent, a teacher in Pineville and d€f}¥5 and ahimhhhooomo
hp P d. d . yn Pikeville, and a coach in Pikeville. Then he became an oihcial their best Thsse Iouuhge
{ nouman mg Ocmr m E C in the Kentucky Department of Health for 1O years serving Since Novem er h 1999i
Umfcd States who has °°n` Grant, Owen and Pendleton Counties. Ultimately he retired to §;‘{‘gi’Qi'f‘?rr1§‘bLjr;"}i;’O“"’ Ego; Zrffymwoo
l Ynhntod mntononY to nnthor farming, and now resides in Williamstown. mr%_·m:  nigyglaggmbv 74
medicine and medical re- In addition to his two brothers, other UK alumni in his family ¤(§sg;¢’· A»}¤c<;la=jjr;1_83 iringiyggggxé?7
search. Urbaniak was given are his children, john Blain Flege jr. ’5l in Arts & Sciences and gggursxrlalr/lo%e1c:r75 pai-Lr5sr‘;ir;r< _g‘i.kcrvz
I rhe award sr rhe rirmiisi eOri_ Charles Flege ’59 in Business and Economics, grandchildren, D;1vidL.A2geier"/2 ce11r¤rz.Ba11*96 V
, Venrion or the New ierse Kecia Flege Dawson ’87 in Pharmacy, William Threlkeld I1 ’88 Ks,eD°""5°,, EnA,,,`Q$,YrZi§ i?§`r`§§lisRi’,in°i§,i$e‘§"·8g5
5 y · ·_· I _) r · . , ,· - . ~ ., , ArleneA.Andeisen'79 Frank F. Barile '67
. rn Meclrcine and jercmy Wood 96 rn Arts 8. Sciences. Cuncntly ri dnwnee h rsnker 7
Cha ter of the American Col- ’ . W"“"‘M‘ A" . C »°”'l 9
P ' G rrduate School rs Ste hen Wood John B~A""¤k°" 81 “"'“'“'“ o·o“'"°“ no
lege of Surgeons. He is a pro- m h ( A i A P U Gary E"`"“p°'g°Tl66 R°bi" Bm"'
l KENTUCKY Aturvruus 35