Purnhtvre Dcealer In CentralI Kentucky.

Always Keep! on Hand
a Grand Assortment of
Everything kept by an
Experienced Dealer.

Beds, RoCking ChdirS,
   Solas, Loungs,
   Side Boards,

And indeed anythingjand
everything to be found
in a first class estatblish-N

Also a magnificent dis-       "
      play of
  Carpets, Oil cloths,

Prices to meet tbe de-4'''''            ''N""                            N
mand of any customer.'                                      "    "

Especial Attention is"''         NN N'            '       ''
    called to his    N4"'"  


TLis depsr'went, is corn-                                  "N''N NQ  "'    '
plete in every detail.           NN'N'""P                   '"   "  
  Polie and prompt at-                                            '    N    N'
tention guaranteed to all              'N'

Day PIhone 76. Night Phone 136 and 179.