recommendations of the President in PR 2 prior to the meeting, ?Csident
Singletary said he would not discuss any of them but would be glad to entertain
questions about any of the recommendations.

       There being no questions, Governor Chandler moved that PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, be approved as a wchole and made an official part
of the Minutes of the mrec. ung. His motion wa; seconded by Dr. Nicholas and
passed without dissent. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.

       1. Professor A. Edward Btackhurst Named Acting Chair man of
the Department of Special Education

       As a consecuience of the death of Dr. Willtam Tisdall on Friday, January
16, 1970, President S-nglctarv said that it would be necessary to appoint an
Acting Chairman for the Dce-partnment of Special Education. In accordance with
the recommendation of the Department and the concurrence of the Dean of the
College of Education. 1e recornmended that A. Edward Blackhurst, Associate
Professor. be named Acting Chairman of the Department of Special Education
in the College of Education for the remain..-der of the current academic year or
until such time as a permanent chairman is designated.

       Noting with regret the circurmstances which necessitated this action, on
motion byt Mr. Wright. seconded by Mrs. Blazer, the appointment of A. Edward
Blackhurst as Acting Chairman of the Departmnent of Special Education was ap-
proved under the conditions outlined bv President Singletary.

       J. Establ-shment of Departments in the School of Home Economics (PR 4)

       Pres.ident Singletary said that the recommendation in PR 4 to establish four
new departments in the School of Home Economics was in keeping with earlier
action of the Board taken on May 2, 19o7, when the School of Home Economics was
established as a coordinate unit with other Schools and Colleges in the Division
of Colleges and approval was given for the School to be organized into appropriate
departments. The recomn-mended departments and their names are in keeping with
such units in comparable Land-Grant institutions and other large universities.

       Mrs. Blazer moved that the recomn-mendatio-no in PR 4 to establish four new
departments in the School of Home Economics be approved. Her motion was
seconded by Mi. Cooper and all present voted aye. (See PR 4 at the end of the-
Minute s.,

      K. Department of Gerranic and Classical Languages and Literatures
Divided (PR 5)

President Singletary explained that the presenit combination ot Germanic