·. ` /Ifenlue/ry xlf]I‘t(‘l(tl(I()'(lt E.rpcr1`mcn1‘ Station., 25
Sdfc the proportions of tobacco and water used in making an in-
vtu`t°' · fusion for spraying upon the average percentage. I r ·
An improved method for determining nicotin in tobacco
hm of and tobacco extracts has been worked out and described in an
liszmge " article accepted for publication in the Journal of Agricultural
y (_m_0_ Research. ·
l’·'/*"/’·“ Improvement of Orchard Grass. This is an important
ll`il"* crop in Kentucky both for forage production and seed pro- A
r'mtll°· duction. ln fact, a few counties in Kentucky produce more
"~_ rel · than half of the crop of orchard grass seed in this country. As
*llllll`*· a pasture crop it is constantly Ending greater favor with farm-
ls else ers for its productivity and longevity. Like all the grasses.
`*‘*l$ft`l' it has been known for years that a great deal of variation
ll lmlll occurs among the plants. but little work has been done any-
tml et ' where toward separating the various strains. and determining
l"m‘l‘ their relative value for different purposes and possibly dif-
f’l`“*lt‘ ferent soils. Altho only a beginning has been made at this
l`°llll‘l‘ Experiment Station, enough plants have been grown to show
* "lllY tremendous variation in character of growth, vigor. etc., in-
lll “*““` dicating that as the work progresses it will be possible to N
select superior strains. V - { I
mlysls- Alfalfa. The alfalfa variety tests which were sown in
$"l*‘¤”l· l 1920 have shown that the hardy strains of alfalfa. (trinnn.
?lll¥llY‘ (`ossack._etc.. stand the etfeets of late spring frosts nnn·h bet-
l'· Tllf ter than the common alfalfa. ln lfl2l two hard freezes occur-
'li mill red after alfalfa had made a heavy growth. The common was
to Fllltl very badly hurt while the hardy strains weiie injured but
T Qlmtl . Slightly. The latter made a fair cutting ol' hay while with the `
lllttli ttf common strains. growth was effectively cheeked. Even the
tlllllllflll second cutting of common was inferior to that from the hardy
=at dif- strains. The common strains recovered from the effects of
onnnon the freezes eventually and the rest of the year and in l922
·ior to- made about the same yields as the hardy strains. The winters
have been so mild recently that there has been no winter kill-
ste and ing or even heaving of the eonnnon type. ln spite of the
to base greater frost resistance, yields during the two years do not