. I1'c=11zf11elty rlg/}`1(Jl(1[l1llI`(ll E.rpe1·1`111c111 ${1111011. . 29
’eak fied hot water 11'€H1lll~C]l1} delayed (lCV€‘lC1{)l1`1€ll1 of tl1e ()l‘g'tl11lS1llS
11ty, in 501116 eases but tl1ere was 110 indication that it killed 11113111
iues in any seeds. .
` Clover. 111 a study of clover 011 tl11·ee widely; differing
0ur— soils it was 10111111 111211 stands of red 31111 alsike elover on the
U()Ul’ most unproductive or " clover s1ek" soil were sui1S1eie11t. thruout
rain , 1111: 11rst sunnner, for at least a. fair yield hut that the plants
1111111 were so small that only a very careful seareh revealed tl1e111.
and T11e stand was greatly reduced 011 most soils (llll‘l1lQ' tl1e see-
iihle 01111 S1l1lllll€l‘, however, praetieally all of tl1e PlZlllTS disappear-
1*“€‘*l ing from the least prod11et1ve soils. Root-rot. was present to .
goke $01111* extent 011 all the root systems which were examined, tho
*1*- it was hy far the 111OSl serious 011 those grown 111 the least pro-
11111* i duetive soils. Sueh systems were praetieally destroyed hy tl1e
ains end 0f the 11rst S11ll111lC1', tl1e plt·llllS living 011 new roots from
11 111 |"Jl' near tl1e crowns. Tl1e tap-root systems of those plants 011
and other soils t1111eti011ed tl1ru011t tl1e first Hlltl part. of the seeond
’ at- Sl1ll1,lll(*I' hut were l>adly diseased or dead hy tl1e e111l 01 the
s 111 seeond Sll1lll]lC1'. The ability of a elover plant 10 persist atter
hest the deeay of tl1e tap-root 21.[)I)tl1'(‘]l1l}' depends 011 its a111li1y 10
1131 a ]1l‘(1Ll\l(‘C new roots from the erown.
  _ Some very s1;1·11·i11ea.11t results have heen ohtained 111 at-
_i `pJ` M tenipts t0 self-fertilize red eloyer. Previous attempts to ae-
mm- \."11l1|')llHl1 this have resulted either 111 failure or where seeds
have been ol1ta.i11ed it has see1ne1l`ve1·y prohahle that they were
the result ot aeeidental eross—fertilizati011. »A large ]lllllll)Gl‘
W_m__ of plants have heen l1a.111lled in this w01·k and seeds S(‘(‘l1l`i/*41 -
` M. l`l‘¢`llll a l1lllllll(‘1‘ 0f t11e111. These were planted and grave rise 10
  s1·11’—1iert11e plants again: some of 11112111 having: the ahility of
  _,`_   $£‘\‘ill1lLl' quite freely W,‘\']l(}I1 selfed, The pee11lia1·ities in 111e
  1 - :1*1111111 ot tl1e plants, sneh as laek of l;lll()]'1'1]'lll}'l, 11ef0r111i1i1·s,
;¥_lr_ etel, as well as tl1e striking lUll1'O1`]l`1l1}' 111 llll'} progeny of selted
  ‘ iinlividiials certainly indieate that aetual $911-i.€‘l'1lllZ1ll11111 has
mt., _ . (l*Y¤'lll`l'(‘(1 Elll(l that lines of self-fertile Cll'l\'(’l' flfl exist. A pre- ‘
X  llll1l11¥1l’}' report of this work has heen prepared and will 1113