Ifmzlzielxy .·1griz·u!tMru{ E.rpm·inzenl Station. 37
~ . securing the best strains of eertitied seed they 1nay eontinue
, to grow sueeesstully this variety which their market distinetly
l prefers.
` Ot the fifty strains of Early Ohio tested the yield ranged
H vfrom 8.1 pounds to 41.6 pounds per row, the latter being
H equivalent. to nearly 200 bushels per aere. The average of the
H highest twelve strains was 27.8 pounds; of the seeond twelve,
  22.7L pounds; ot the third twelve, 18.8 pounds; and of the
,_ lowest yielding fourteen strains, 15.2 pounds per row. The
Q average of the Irish Cobbler eheeks planted every third row
H was 20 pounds. ‘ _
H The yields of the strains appear to be in inverse propor-
m tion to the amountot degeneration diseases present. A l'ew
m strains showed nearly 100 per eent ot "spindling sprout."
l__ l\losaie was not found in any of these strains but was present
IO i in typieal mottled form on an unseleeted row ot? Aroma in the `
lr. same field. `
The tive Minnesota. eertitied (.`obbler strains ranged in
es. yields from 30.3 to 14.1 pounds per row. Moser`s strain ot'
te- lirish (lobbler from ·lef`ferson t‘ounty yielded 35.8 pounds. The
ca? same strain grown in Minnesota the previous year and then re-
et- turned to Kentueky, yielded 26.7 pounds, while a Minnesota
A strain ot? (`obbler in an adjoining plot in Minnesota in ltl2l
as ~ and again in Kentueky in 1022 yielded 28.7 pounds per row.
ru- Again the yields appeared to be very elosely eorrelated with
per eent ot degeneration diseases present.
M_ The _elimination of degeneration diseases appears to he _
wk the most important problem in northern grown eertihed stoek
MS tor use in the South. These results eontirm previous results
MO , as to the value of fall grown Kentucky potatoes eompared
nm with northern certified stoek for seed.
irl}‘ / Mosaic Disease of Potatoes. ln the spring ot? 1921. one
he " hundred tubers eaeh were seleeted t`rom various strains and
ety. \ 'Varieties ot potatoes (some of them eertitied seed stoekl in-
teet eluding tour strains ot (2`obbler, one ot Early Ohio, one of
tavr Triumph. one Bull l\loose_ one Ctarman No. 3. and two ot` Green
t by Mountain.