V Iftizttte/.·_»; At/l'l<'Zl/ll(I'(ll H.rpr·rln1eJ1/ Stutimz, -ll
Jdueed Mexican Bean Beetle. An oeenrrenee elf speeiul eoneern
ieavily to the Stution und to truck Zl'ill'1IlC1’S in the stute is tl1e reeent
introdnetion of the Mexieun beun beetle in southern Ken-
ii that tneky. lt wus reported in Jnne from Monticello uml Coopers-
llutlugi ville uml hus sinee spreud northwurd uml westwurd towurtl
SP1?} eentrul l{entnek_v. lt niuy preve only u tempn·ur_·t· extension
lcutlty of its hubit uml u eold winter muy destroy it,`bnt nothing eun
be predieled us to its lintnre in the stute. llnsting with ursen-
21% WHS ute olj lime uml hydruted lime hus been l'onml effeetive ueuinsti
"Vi1Y1€· it. (1 purl ol? the ,l'ormer to Tl purts oti the lutterlt.
ten or
ml im- The Feeding of Skim-milk and Semisolid Buttermilk to
fur as Poultry. The second yeur`s work with \\'hite i\\'yumlottes to
ity the · eompure the feeding of milk, with uml without u dry mush.
3 quite snbstuntiull_v ugrees with the tirst _veur`s results. l·`rom the
l@1'111C· tirst two _reurs’ work the lollowing eonelnsions huve been
H10 11Ot druwn ;
1121lO1"S p _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ I
rcgdom tl) \\ hen sour skim-milk or semtsoltd bntermilk is led
[WGS to us u sonree ol` protein to hens ol? the generul purpose breeds.
ahmblc it is not neeessury to feed u dry mush in uddition to the gruin
dly uf- 1‘21tion_
l"`C°m° tf) 'l`he uddition ol? sour skim-milk, semisolid bntter—
milk or meut serup to rution <;·onsistin,u· ot' u eruin mixture und
>ken by u mush ol? tyronml gruins uml wheut byprodnets more thun
l a fair doubled the winter egg prodnetion.
3 peach · (ill \\'vuml0tt`e hens uverue·in;;· 135,5 iegggs t't`l)ll$l1]Ilt‘il
CF Cent sonr Nl{Illl-lllllli ut the rute ot u gzullon per duy to ·»2 hens.
umd Of when no wuter or dry mush wus given them. The uveruue
NQ it is eonsnmption of gruin wus GT pounds per bird u yeur. The
Cl. Cent following tuble gives the results ol' the tirst two _reurs` work.
The third yeur`s work is under wu}'.
2 stand-
t; it is