— 1(ealyue/.·y Agrieuliurul E.rpcrin1.eut Station. 43
..— The Jersey herd at the Kentucky Experiment Station was
l selected as an example of what may occur in the hands of a
  breeder who is endeavoring to build a ine herd from a few
Kellie good foundation animals. This herd has existed for twenty-
{Mi ~ six years, having been founded in 1896 with fourteen selected
    cows. A review of the growth of this herd is as follows;
'   ~ The herd was founded with fourteen cows in 1596 and in
r_? 1912 contained twenty-nine females descended from the four-
teen original cows. Eleven of the fourteen foundation oows
failed to produce offspring, particularly heifers, to breed on
1. The and have disappeared from the herd in the sixteen years. leav-
xtion of ing only three of the eows re