44 Tl11'1·t_1j-]1’1`_f`t/1 4l}I}lII1l/ 1{epwt.
Zl.(>1'l'}'—(‘lgl1t out of one hundred and twe11ty—011e calves. From au
the sl 11(ly it was found that SO111Cll111CS the eows aborted Sooner S11
the second time than they did the first time; sometimes each flll
ealt was eairried an 1111111:11 length of time and in il few eases
the see011d ealt 011 Slll,)SOl1llC]1l ealves were (i&ll`l'lCLl longer than in
ezirlier ones. There seems to he 110 rule as to the length of db
time an i1l)Ul'llll1l' eow will earry eaeh Sllli(jCL‘lllllQf ealt, as the cm
lit>ll(>`\\`lllg' table atteStS: UN
` l 1 I I _; Q .: _ 1112
' `.4_ an Z', x TQ x §_ 1 :_ $ i_ m EQ_YI   Z;}/I
"11“‘   E  YEi‘I1EEi‘1EEZ‘1;€§‘ EE? qc;   5.:; 1'1‘1
1 1  ·zC;I  1;·`j;1;.i; >Zi;l  xii; 2;; 101
I ‘l I I I ' _ Y { i _ [
1·;. 11_ 1¤ 21iZI ‘ N N N 1 llii N N 1 N 0
1:, 1,, 1,, llili Y N N N N 1 1 1 1 1 _
.1, 11_ 1:. N 1 132 ` N 1 1711 1 1:13 1 Ilil ~ 1 \\1
. .\_ ,\1. N I 11211 ' ZIN I ` ` I ‘
1<. 11. :11 2211 1 2111 1 _ 1 1 1
· 11, lili 1 1Si1 1 N 1111 1 221 1 1 1 V
A1. 1<_ N 1 2111 1   1 ;111 1 -··< 1 1 1 1 ` sh
l']l1l\`. X N ITN 1 N 1 N I I I _ 1_ N
1;. 1·. 21N 213 1 1 1 1 1 1 V 11
\'. .1. N ` N N N N 1 N ~ N 1 1*11) 1 N M
1‘_ 11, 1~1 N N N N 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N A
11. 1*. \', N 1111 ' 231 1 1t1< 1 1 1 I x _
.1. IZ. l’_ N 1 2111 1 N I1'T 1 3117 1 N QQQ 1 \\1
11, 1:. 1111. N 111: 1 N N J N 1 1 1 1 m1
1:. 11, N ` N 1 N N 1 N N 2":: 2111 1 2111 ·
11. 1,, \’_ 1 221 1:1; 1 1 1 1 1 1 OU
11. 12. N N N N 1 1~:1 N 1 1 1
1·, 1,_ 11. 215 1 N 1 N 1111 1 N 1 N 1 1 1 01
1*. s. ,11. 1111 212 1 21:: 111`1 1
,l. l:1l. N ` \` H2 I {Ill I ` l i l
1·‘. 11. N 2112 1 N N 1 N 1 N 1 1 1
1,_ 1J, N N 1 N N 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 N 1 1713 1.
,. ,, . ., .2, ,,_ __, I ___l_ ?1_i____‘ in 1 _ _     ll
’*.\l1111‘l1·1I. I lll
1N 11111111;1I 1·;1l1`; 11:1111·s ;i11~ days :1111111ted e:1lt` was ('1ll'l'l\'1l,} 11]
Horse Brcédlllg. ,\ll'(‘lll`l1lll has been given to zi l`1111tl1e1‘ M1
Sllllll_\' (Il. horse Semen in whieh Q_'(‘l'll1 eells were :1e1tiVe in (¥1)ll· 111
ll‘2lSl with senien i11 which tl1e germ eells were Slllfl`§IlSl1 or i11- 1 lis
2Il'll\'(*. 'l`he dittereiiee i11 the l1y1lro;;1e11 ion ('()l1(?("llll`2ll'l0l1 11I`
]I111`lllEll and Ell1II(1l'lll2ll Seinen l'1111111l ])l'(‘Vl()IlSl_\' was (?(111llI‘11l(‘1l.
Soine (‘\'l1l(‘l1(‘l* tl1;1t rest ]12\l‘l'li1ll_\' restores the norinal. l1}’(lI’0·
gen i1111 1·11111·e11l1‘11t1011 has il)1‘l*ll 11l1l'2llI1(‘(l. lll\'<‘Sl'l§l'2ll'l()|]S we1111 w1
1Il211ll‘ into the eanses and 1·<·n1e1lieS ot sterile Stallions whose
Nl‘llll‘ll l'1IlllillllS 1111s eells. A 1111111l11~1· (1l!Sl2Illl(1l1S sterile 01·11z11‘ll· ""
` A