]{e211tn·I.·y -»-lgrfeztlltzrrzl ]g.l'])('}'l.I}t.C)llL Station. -17
·es and
_ Average nuinber ot pigs per litter:
found Duroe 9.2; Berkshire 8.8; Hampshire 3.7; Poland China 10.
ts born Average weight of sow pigs at birth:
f 1.f} ljuroe 2.Z-33 pounds; Berkshire 2.66 pounds; llanipshire 2.52
U 1 L' pounds; Poland China 2.14 pounds.
(lranrs Average weight of boar pigs at birth:
V HUM l;·;ii·oe 2.3i+ p\>.inds; llerkshire 2.7 pounds; I-lanipshire 2.5S pounds;
ll ' l‘oEand t`hina 2.5l pounds.
ting ot Total number ot sow pigs of all breeds, 186; total number ot
A ig th`. boar pigs ot all breeds, 181.
bv llol- . . . .
‘ I 1, 1 Abortion m Swmé. A stud_v has been made ot a nuniber
no‘ e ·- _ _ . . . . , .
\ itu ot herds ot swine in whieh there was eontagrions abortion. Ob-
e Va ‘ . _ 1 . ” _
lH__lwu ' servations were eonhned to lo herds in the held where abor-
i " . . . . . ,
tion oeeurred under natural eondit ions. The nuniber ot brood
lfcctmu sows in the different herds ranged l·l‘tJ]ll 7 to ltltl. and the per—
LW Thu eentaeie abortine in eaeh herd varied grreatly. ln one ot’ the
(_h1d(_ D snialler herds. all the sows (S) aborted, the owner reporting
W Colm], that one had aborted tive tinies. ln sonie ot the large herds
·l·>ll(_ NL · tltltlit only a few abortions oeeurred, therefore; the nuniber
. ..   oif abortions in the ditterent herds ranued liroiu 5 to ]()tl wer
tht. lan . —
OHS mpi eent. the high pereentage always oeenrringr in the siuall herds. `
The diagnosis ot infectious abortion was inade on the
* enlto l‘ elinieal evidenee that sows in the herd aetnally aborted and
ore l*<‘t`ll was eontii-ined by the blood test whieh, in every instanee. gave
`fllllllélllt a iositive reaction to the a<·‘e·lntination test tor abortion and
_ Ft
fl'. ltlltll in niany eases the herd boar also gave a reaetion. The niiero-
nt ttl? ill" oreanisin eausing: abortion in sows was isolated troin niaterial
troni one herd only. i
·· 1.* hir ,. ..r. .
g‘H`_ I ]ntlor~is were direeted towards eontrol ol. the disease,
· ri ··i. _ . , . . .
{W10; M partienlarly with reterenee to_tl1e value ot abortion baeterin.
·’ ¤ ·_‘(‘e` , . . , . .
l“m("l` ll he hrst steps in tl1e eontrol ot the disease were to isolate all
··   tr · . . ....
` ee _A abortine sows lor thn·ty days or until all evidenee ol the alter
¤ · 1 >‘ .. , . . . .
l`} (iw _ etteets ot abortion had disappeared and to wait at least sixty
· days betore breedine· theni. ,\ll aborting sows ot interior
t*llllllllfll`)' quality and giving a positive reaetion to the ae·e‘lutination
r, weiilli test were to be eliininated troni the herd as brood sows. 'l`he
tion l`:n‘lll Sante reeoniniendation was niade in the ease ol' boars. llow-
ever. as niany ol' the boars showing a reaetion were valuable