{ aj.
Di.S('I;S.*€l·OIlS 011 Zizwettiisg 1’r0blen1s SS)
The eeleriinetrie niethetl ineatsures to two tenths of at pil
value. Taahles V] amd 2 deiuonstratte thatt without extensive equip-
ment eleetr-elieniieail resea1r:·h.
The semen usetl in this iiivestigaititni wais (il1lQ2tilICt-l ais the
niaire wais servetl aintl tleliveretl te the lailmra1t<>ry in at eleain
sterile eontaiiner with ais little tlelany ais possihle. The nieaisure-
ments were inaule within aan hour or twe of the serviee. The
quatntitv of semen ()l)i'Ztlll(‘(rl vatrietl t'r<>in T ee to 20 ee. \Vith
the lairger quaintities of senien tl1e TI}`t.l't‘ll elentrezle vessel wais
eonipletely lilletl. the Itlitlillllltl eleetrntle plaieeel in ])()%ill()ll, the
semen tiushetl out with liytlregzen which wais usetl freely, anul tl1e
vellewing· ineaisureinents were niaule to tleterinine the et’t’e;rt  
Ot? thus lillin;5 the ll}'trll'(tQ'C1l vessel with (ft):-l`ree waiter laellmre Z
intretliieiiig the semen. T