‘ Iiciztucky Agricultural Erpcrnnemf Station. 51
·l` partieular are worthy of mention, o11e in eattle and the other
VC in dogs. ln a number of instances a disease among eattle has
i` been found whieh, in its elinieal manifestations and pathologi-
lt eal lesions, resembles hemorrhagic septieemia but differs in
d tl1at the eausat/ive agent has never been isolated or the disease
H translmitted thru animal inoeulations. The disease in dogs is
gi commonly ealled "fright disease," and reports indieate that it
ll has been very prevalent not only in this state but in those
states south and east of Kentucky. The disease is eharaeter-
_t ized by periodie attaeks and during the aeute stages the
IS symptoms are suggestive of rabies; whieh aeeounts for the llaet
lc " that many dogs have been killed. The mortality ot this dis—
t_ ease apparently runs high, but is dittieult to estimate beeause
ot? the number of animals destroyed. After working with
A eonsiderable material`t'rom atfeeted dogs and those dead from
  the disease. no eonelusion has been reaehed as to its etiology.
ld I However, .liI'()ll1 elinteal eases. eonsiderable int'ormation has
:6 been obtained relative to symptoms and treatment. Very
M t`avorable results havebeen derived when animate were plaeed
J on light diet and given vermituges and oil.
· Biological Products. The distribution of biological. pro-
?l' duets tor the year included approximately one million (tlilll.-
fe tl 75tlt eubie eentimeters of antiVhog—eholera serum and 35.530
ti- eubie eentinteters ol' anti-hog-eholera virus. l2.T55 doses
lr of roup and ehieken pox vaeeine and·S.7'i(l doses ot blaekleg
ig vaeeine, The distribution of blaekleg vaeeine has been dis-
eontinued. This produet has been furnished ithe Experiment
li- Station bythe Bureau ot? Animal lndustry ol' the lvnited States
ie li)epartment ol' l\gri<·ulture tor distriluttion in this state. but
ye ` owing to a. provision of the Agrienltinuil ,\ppropriation Act.
wl its preparation and distribution by the Bureau eeased July
rs tirst ot this year wlrieh consequently at`feeted its supply and
is distribution by this Station.
-\ method ot' preparation ot roup and ehieken pox vaeeine
gg has been worked out by ting Station whieh is a eombinatiou ol? _
in methods and known as the "Kentueky modified t`orm." This