52 Tlttrty-F»1`ftlt Auntml Report.
form of preparing roup and chicken pox vaccine consists in pre:
the use of the bacterial vaccine combined with tl1e vaccine pre- I-um
pared from the scabs collected from the combs amd wattles bm-
and the exudate from the eyes, nose and throat. This material CMC
is dried, pulverized and mixed with normal salt solution in 1,1-Ot
the proportion of one gram to 100 cubic centimeters of normal {aka
salt solution. To this amount is added 100 cubic centimeters ing.
of the bacterial vaccine. making at total ol' 200 cubic ceniti- {Od
meters which is sufficient to vaecinate 200 birds. By using and
the bacterial vaccine in combination with the scatbs and ism.
exudate, two doses instead of one can be made from the same HH ,
atnount of dried seiabs. The results as shown by reports in- bot,
dieate that it is decidedly more effective than the l>a.ct‘erial ml.]
V ivaeeine amd equally as effective as the vaccine prepared from wm
the seatbs. A ~ you
Botulinus Antitoxiu. Botulism made its appearance dur- ‘ (im"
ing the fall months on various farms in the state and continu- Judi
ed to oecttr during the winter and early spring of 1922. The Ain
disease wats observed in horses, mules,.eattle, swine, sheep amd Hm
poultry. The majority of cases occurred following the feed- ` (lll 
ing of corn. corn stoyer or oat hay. and in the case of smaller fudlt
animals, ol? spoiled canned goods. ln the case of sheep. the Ot ll
disease usually developed after feeding off the ground or fol-
lowing salting on the ground. On one farm where six head of ix W
horses and mules were lost, thc cause was traced to oat hay. al;)
All horses and mules eating the oat hay sickened and died. for
while other live stock on the farm receiving other kinds of mw
forage remained well. Ina number of flocks of chickens
where losses were severe, spoiled canned goods was responsi· Num
ble l`or the deaths. One outbreak in chickens was apparently V  
the result of soil infection, as it was learned that none of the Tota
poultry on this farm had had access to spoiled food. Nlml
During the lambing season last spring, a large number of .
sheep thruout the state became affected and died from some _
disease. lnasmuch as most of the sheep lost were pregnant ni l
ewes. the disease was thought to be associated with aelvaiteetl high