56 T/ifrty-ltliflli rl}1}ll((lf Report.
of about 50 per eent. ln addition >S]_)CUl111C11S have been sub-
111llQfC(l by a large 1lLl111l)(3].' of city a11d county l1ealtl1 depart- ,
1llClllS. _ ·
ln the baeteriologieal laboratory, a total of 28,630 speci-
mens have been handled, an inerease of 11lO1`C than three tl1ou— ‘
sand speeimens over last year. These inelude 15,256 speei- i ‘
mens for \YilSSt*1'111tllll1 test, exaniinations for tuberculosis,
diphtheria. typhoid, malaria, hookworin, ete., etc. ` _
'l`he food and drug laboratory examined 1,962 samples of ,
food and drugs, of whieh 917 were otfieial food samples and l
1333 olfieial drug samples, .
A large number of speeial l11\'L*Sllg&lll0llS have been ]1l2l(lL* -
, ol' samples of various kinds. Often these involved feedinet .
experiments or inoculation of Slllilll animals to reaeh a satis-
l`aetory deterniination. ·
ln additio11 to this work, 32,278 outfits have been steril-
ized. assembled and shipped to physieians, health departments,
private eitizens, ete.
Feed Control. 'l`he prineipal task of the llepartnient of
Feed (‘ontrol is to protieet the publie from. the imposition of
poor and adulterated feeds H]1(l to require manufaeturers so to
label feeds that the purehaser may have aeeurate knowledge
of the eharaeter of the feeds be purchases. lnspeetions have
bee11 made at praetieally every point in the state where feed-
ing: stuffs are used. Eleven hundred and thirty-six samples '
of feed have been analyzed and the results reported to those
innnediately eoneerned. Nine eases for violations have been ‘
instituted in the federal eourts and two in the state eourts. ·
Offieial tags were issued eovering 247,275 tons of feed for the
Fertilizer Control. A total of 885 brands of fertilizer
were registered for the year. Nearly all of these.re;;·istered
brands have been analyzed and in addition analyses have been U
made of Tll samples eolleeted by our inspeetors or sent in by
l`arn1ers. 'l`hese analyses have been tabulated and published
in l·}ulle~tin 245 of the lCxperiment Station. l)urin;;· the year.