ii INDEX —
° Page
Gault, Lelah and others, Bulletin 245, by .....................,...>.............. 235 B1
Good, E. S., Bulletin 242, by ....‘ . ...............,....................................... 1 13 B1
Good, E. S. and L. J. Horlacher, Bulletin 243, by .......................... - 137
Habits and Life History of Asterochiton Vaporariorum ..........l. 32 Ci
Horlacher, L. J. and E. S. Good, Bulletin 243, by ........................ 137
Horse Semen, Hydrogen Ion Concentration of ............................ 18
Hothouses, VVhite Flies of, Bulletin 241, on ................................ 75
Hydrogen lon Concentration of Horse Semen ................................ 18 ‘
Jewett, H. H. and H. Garman, Bulletin 241, by ............................ 75
l Land Prices and Land Speculation in the Bluegrass Region C]
of Kentucky, Bulletin 240, on .................................................... 37 O
Mountain Ewes, Breeding Experiments with, Bulletin 243, on 137 D
Mountain Ewes, Summary and Conclusions from Breeding Ex- D
periments, with .......................,.......................................l......_....... 196
- _Ostrea Virginica, Breeding Habits of ..........,................................. 26 D
» Semen of Horse, Hydrogen lon Concentration of ........................ 18
Speculation and Land Prices in the Bluegrass Region of Ken- g F_
. tucky .................................................................................................. 37 G_
Spermatozoa, Difference in Vigor of ...............,.................................. 17 G_
Spermatozoa, Effect of Acids on ........................,........................... 15-33 g H
Spermatozoa, Effect of Alcohol on ______,______.._______________,_____,_..__________ 17-32 H
Spermatozoa, Effect of Alkalies on ................._._......,,_..,......_......... 31 H
Spermatozoa, Effect of Potassium Permanganate on .................. 16
Spermatozoa, Life of in the XVomb ....._,......,__.....,__..._.__._....,__.....,_... 21 H
Spermatozoa, Of the Horse, Length of Life of ................................ 9 K
Spermatozoa, Of the Oyster, Length of Activity of ...._....._......l._.. 30 P
Spermatozoa, Of_ the Rooster, Length of Life of .............,...,...... 13 R
Spermatozoa, Of some Sea Animals, Life of ...,_....,,_....______....___... 26 R
Spermatozoa, Vitality of, Bulletin 239, on ,...............,..,...._,.....,.l,... 1 S
Steer Feeding, Bulletin 242, on ................ . ...................._.__...,.,_._...., 113 S
Sterility in Relation to Animal Breeding, Bulletin 244, on ......., 201 S
Vitality of Spermatozoa, Bulletin 239, on ...............,._....____,....,__....__ 1 _
White Flies of Hothouses, Bulletin 241, on ......,...,..__,.,.___._...,____ 75 T
White Fly, Fumigants for ........................................__......____..___________. 93-103 V
White Fly, Parasites of .......................... . ....................__...._..__..,..____.. 92 y
White Fly, Remedies for ........................................__...._____,..,.__,______,,_ 93 V
White Fly, Sprays for ..........l......................................,............._..,...___, 95 Y
Abortion, Sterility and Breeding Hygiene ...._.....,._.._____,___________,___ 41
Anderson, W. S. and others, Circular 30, by ................._____.._____,.. 37
Anderson, W. S., Discussion of Genetics in Relation to Horse
Breeding, Circular 30, by ..........................` . ................................. , - 75