Number Page
239. Vitality of Sperniatozoa, by \V. S. Anderson ............ 1
240. Land Prices and Land Speculation in the Bluegrass
Region of Kentucky, by G. XV. Forster ...................... 37
241. The \`\’hite Flies of Hothouses, by I-I. Garnian and
H. H. Jewett ...............................................,......._............ 75
242. Feeding Steers Having Access to Barn and Range
vs. Steers Confined to Barn, by E. S. Good ............ 113
2-13. Breeding Experiments with Kentucky Mountain
Ewes, by L. J. Horlaclier and E. S. Good ................ 137
244. Sterility in Relation to Animal Breeding, by XV. S.
Anderson ................................................................... , ...... 201
245. Analysisof Coinniercial Fertilizers, by H. E. Curtis,
H. R. Allen and Lelah Gault ...................................... 235
28. Strains of Standup \\`liite `llurley Tobacco Resistant
A to Root-Rot., by \\’. D. Valleau and li. J. Kinney .... 1
29. Sell'-Fertility in Red (`lover. by li. N. Fergus ............ 17
30. Discussions and Deinonstrations on Breeding Prob-
lenis, by Tlionias Cooper, Cassius \\'ay, \V. \V.
Diinock, E. S. Good. \\'. S. Anderson, A. M. Peter
and D. J. Healy .............................................................. 37