'l`he Departments of Study comprise the following:
Physics and Astrnntnny
Chemistry, Elementary and Applied.
Mental and Moral Philosophy.
, Civil ilistory and Political Economy.
Agriculture and llortictrlturc.
English Language and Literaturei
Latin Language and Literature.
Greek Language and Literature.
F ench Language and Literature.
German Language and Literature.
Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering and Drawing.
Natural Ilistory——Botany, Comp. Anatomy, Geology, &c.
Veterinary Science.
Practical Mechanics.
Theory and Practice of Teacliing.
Book-keeping and Pennianship. `
Military Art and Science.
Architectural and Landscape Gardening.
Scientific Course. .
Physics and Astronomy. i
Chemistry, Elementary and Applied. l
Agriculture and llorticulture.
Veterinary Science.
‘ Civil llistory and Political Economy.
Mental and Moral Philosopliy.
Natural llistory-—liotany, Zoology, Comp. Anatomy, Geology, Min-
eralogy, &c.
Latin, l’artial t`ourse.
l*`rench or (icrnian.
Practical Mechanics.
English Language and Literature,
Civil, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering and lirawing.
Landscape Gardening.
Military Art and Science.