  Classical Course.
i Physics and Astronomy. L
Ei Chemistry.
  Mental and Moral Philosophy.
i Latin and Greek Languages and Literature.
i English Language and Literature.
Q French and German Languages and Literature.
Civil llistory and Political Economy.
Q Natural llistory-—Botany, Comp. Anatomy, Zoology, Geology, &c.
Q Course of Study Required for Diploma in Normal School.
Elementary English llranclies.
l\lathematics, including Geometry and r[`rigonometry.
Experimental Physics. i
Descriptive Astronomy.
Natural llistory-—Botany, Physical Geography, Physiology.
Penmanship and llook-keeping, Drawing.
i Rhetoric, Elements of Criticism, Composition, Logic.
llistory and Political Economy.
V 'l`heoryand Practice of Teaching.
1 French and German .
‘ Latin Language and Literature, partial course.
i · Mental and i\loral Philosophy.
All other departments of study in the College are open, without extra
tees to students in the Normal course. To those who do not take the
course required for a diploma, certificates of mrualilication to teach are
i issued for those branches in which the required degree of proficiency is
· The Course of Study Required for a Diploma in the Com-
E mercial Course is as Follows:
l Penmansliip, lloolc-ltceping, general and special. "
i English Grammar, Geography—-Descriptive, Political, and Physical.
Rhetoric, Composition.
lligher 1\rithmetic, Algebra, Geometry.
Political Economy, Moral Philosophy.
i French and German.
. All other departments are open, without extra fees, to students in the
i Commercial Course. To those who do not take the entire course of study,
1 but confine themselves mainly to hook-keeping, certificates are given when
i the required degree ot proficiency is attained.