plicant is a citizen of the county from which admission is
, claimed, and tl1at he is a teacher, or is preparing to teacl1."
· 26. The charter also provides " that other students, with-
out regard to place of residence or birth, may also be admit-
2 ted to the College on tl1e payment of the fees prescribed
for them by tl1e Board of Trustees or the Academic Board."
2g. No applicants will be admitted who are under four-
teen years of age, excepting those who, by tl1e cl1arter of
· tl1e College, are admitted to free tuition at an earlier age.
· 30. /5211*13* S!7(lI];`}lZ‘ 011 arz'111z`sr1`01z, mmf écfurc be is zz//awed fa
1 wcz`1/11, 5/112// /7}‘£`5t`}lL‘ fu 1*/za Prrs1`z1’c11! 12 ct·1·ZQ€c11z‘1· ]9*1111z Ihr Y}·ms·
{ xm? .S`00ZUZ·}Zg` {hat hc has jazz}! 1/ze rum 1·1·g11z)·1·d 211 rz1z’r»1z1zr0 011 V
3 arcozzmf 0f mz./1.1111 nr vt/11*1 ZlZ‘L`/IZS.
— gi. As a further condition of admission, tl1e applicant ,
1 l must answer aflimatively tl1e following questions, viz: Have
2 you read and understood tl1e regulations governi11g this ~
, Institution? Do you acknowledge your obligation to obey l
f them ? He must also subscribe tl1e following form in a book  
I kept for that purpose by tl1e Faculty: " \Ve, whose 11ames V ,
, are hereto subscribed, do declare that we acquiesce in tl1e i
V A regulations of the Agricultural and lV[echanical College
. of Kentucky, a11d acknowledge our obligation to obey
E them."
3 32. Having complied with tl1e prescribed conditions, the .
, student sl1all be registered on tl1e College roll. He shall be
_ considered as a member of the College, and amenable to its 1
, regulations duri11g vacations as well as during tl1e sessions, .
r until he sl1all have been graduated or formally discharged,
> I honorably or otherwise. In the case of an l1o11orable dis-
_ charge, he shall be entitled to a certificate in tl1e following
t- words:
"I certify that A B was honorably discharged from tl1e {
F Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky on the  
V —— day of -—. _ ___  
V " St"L`}‘F[t7lj,, [01* C/ark] of thy Frzcu//y."
, 33. No honorable discharge or leave of absence will be
. granted to a student within six weeks of the tern1ination