ence of one or more students with another student, or with
a candidate for admission, in the nature of " hazing," shall
be punished with dismissal.
i ` 81. The use of tobacco for smoking or chewing on any
duty, or in the College building, dormitories, or dining-
rooms, and all proiinity and obscenity, are forbidden.
82. No student shall cook, prepare food, or give any
entertainment in his room, or elsewhere within the College
limits, without permission from the Commandant.
100. All permits to be absent from any duty, or from
quarters during study hours, must have the approval of
the President. All other permits for absence may be
granted by the Commandant of the Corps; and every
permit for a brief absence will be deposited with the
Ofhcer of the Day, to whom the student will invariably
report at the expiration of his permit, whether it has V
been used or not. No permit will bear the name of more 1
than one student. ,
101. lf the Cadet be in arrest or in confinement, or con- i
fined to less than the usual limits, or if his name be on the
sick nywzi, the fact must be stated in the permit. ·
102. All applications by students for leave of absence
must be made in writing, addressed to the Commandant of ,
the Corps, and specify the place to which the applicant
‘ wishes to go. lf the application is for a longer period than ,
i the Commandant is authorized to grant, he will forward it
' to the President.
` 103. Every student who overstays his leave of absence,
{ must produce satisfactory evidence of his having been de-
3 tained by sickness or some other unavoidable cause.
V 104. Every student, on returning from leave of absence,
1 will immediately report, in person, to the President.
· IOS. A leave of absence shall not be construed to grant
1 the student any indulgence at the College, or to absolve him
' from the observance of regulations.
` 106. Applications to be excused from any duty, must be
made in ample time before the beginning of the duty.