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§» Carroll County 4-H Club (Continucg)
E l Normal Civic Activities: None. ' . _
* .% Defense Activities: Training for Preparation and Serving of Food, Interest-
Q ed in Sewing and Preparation of Snrgical Dressings. ”
f Local Publications: None.
— ~ § CARROLL COUETY HOMFMnFER'S*CLUB‘(Kentucky’Homemaker's Clubs; Extension Ser-
; vice C? University of Kentucky), Carrollton. Founded 1957. President, Miss
—·- E Anna V; Parker, Sarders. Telephone Ghent 55-J. Secretary, Mrs. Forest Black-
:§ burn, Carrollton. Telephone 6002. Terms expire November, lQ42. Secretary,
@4 kiss Vuther’no Russell H. D. A. Carrollton. Tern indefinite.
E } 3
Q{ Menbershir: 156. Qnilifitations, any woman interested in the problems of
Q home ecrnomics.
E Conmitteos: Live at Home Miss Katherine Russell ‘Carrollton. T
  --...-...-_.. ...... _ ’ · ’ 4
Q_ Purpose: To extend to home makers an opportunity to faniliarizc themselves
‘ with honemaking problems unfer trained Leadership.
— Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with led Cross and Surplus Commodities
*, Corporation.
t Defense nctivities: Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings,
 L e-·~·+—-·—·   ·•··-?**""*"r“‘(1" , ,· . · », —.‘ _ _ _; n l~ I 1 ,· ,
g‘ Jed-C;oss lssistance, Library Uervicc. Training 1or rrcpniatlon and Serving
Q of Food. Interested in Recreation, Collecting Books.
n Local Publications: None. » ·
  —"4·-—-'M- M___—--‘—-_-"_—- V V _
it CARROLL COUFTY UTOPIA CLUB (Kentucky Utopia 3lub),»c/o Mary Uriskcll, $brtr—_
ji ville. Fotnicd lQ57. President, Samuel Tandy, Carrollton. Telephone 202.
g Secretary, Harv Driskell. Wortnville. Tolepbono ik. Terms indefinite.
5 Membership: ZC, Open to either sex l7 to BC vears of ago.
iQ Cmmnittoosa None. ` ' I T U
*§ - _ L_ _ y ‘_ __ l.
i Furposo: Study of farming and none econonics. Rocrou ·c.- ion. M
$ Formal Civic lctivitios: None. , W, _
·§ Defense nctivitios; Interested in Recreation, Collzcting Books.
3; Local Publications; Hon . l Q ”
Q; I