"' Don't b'lieve eberyt'ing,, Sam; you knows not what
may happen. We may be obertaken, an' be bro't back.
Oh, how awful de very t'ot. I'm so easily frightened, an'
den I don't know what I might do. To be sent to de
Souf, de berry noshen nearly kills me. All dese t'ings,
dear husband, if we should be taken, will rush upon me
at once; I shall become desperate, and what I may be
tem'ted to do, God only knows.'
  " ' Don't Vink ob dem t'ings, Peggy-dey cotch us-
all but dat; when we gets into dat dark 'ole, as what
leads to Candy, dey'll no see us any more.'
  " ' If I goes, God knows, Sam, it will be with a trem-
blin' heart-i sees woe a-plenty a-head, but I will foller
you de world ober-if go you will.'
  "4' Den, Mist'r Crow, we'll be in de City next Sunday
  " ' God bless you, Sam, be as early as possible; we will
be prepared to give you dispatch.'
  'The conversation having ended, I resumed my medi-
  " Well, uncle, let us have the sequel of the story P"
  " On the very Sunday night mentioned, Sam, wife, and
children, with the master's horses and sleigh, departed to
this city; crossing the river upon the ice, they arrived at old
Joe Kite's about the dawn ot day, too late, as luck would
have it, for underground railroad operations. Therefore,
they had to remain in the safe-keeping of their good old
friend, Joe, for the day."
  " Did not the owner pursue, uncle "
  " Yes, he was on the trail bright and early in the
morning-and soon tracked them to their den. Ile then
got out a warrant from Commissioner Pendery, placed it
in the hands of a United States' Marshal, who, accom-
panied by a posse, went to old Joe's, to arrest the fugitive
slaves. The party entered, after bursting open the door-
Sam, ielying upon his revolver, discharged it two or
three times, until it was wrested from his hands by one
of the Deputy Marshals, who was slightly wounded. The
mother in the meantime, in a fit of desperation, had cut
the throat of one of her children, and wounded two