"'Yes, 'Squire," said Henry. " He has lived like one leetle
prince, ever since he has been here-lie aint wanted for no-
thing. You sees his hair is soft and glossy-oi, lie is antic
as a monkey. I rubbed him down twice every day-gave
him plenty of good cool water, right out of the spring. At
the crack of the whip, now-all creation could not keep
up with him. I tho't I'll try him one day, to see if he
was such a fast goer; so I hitched him to the buggy-
that same nice little vehicle what comes with him; so
when I comes on that pooty, smooth road, as what leads
down the river, I fetched a whistle and cracked the whip;
of all the leetle rascals-the way he played his feet was a
caution to Jim Crow."
  " I suppose," said the 'Squire, "it frightened out some
of your Dutch wet. How did you like the speed "
  " Speed! mine Got! I tried to say wo-a, and I hadn't
breath left to say that leetle word. I couldn't see nothing
all along the road but one blue streak. I hauled him up
arter a while, by nearly pulling off dese arms. So I
brings him back to the stable-sez I, stay in here, ye
leetle varmant, till such time as the old 'Squire gets
home, for I'll not try your bottom agin-I don't love such
fast fun as that, may be I don't."
  " You can take him back to the stable," said the 'Squire
to Henry, and let him fare sumptuously-we owe to him
a debt of gratitude, we shall never be able to repay,"
  After which, the 'Squire and David, seated in a sump-
tuous hall, warmed up for their accommodation, in the
splendid mansion of the 'Squire, held the following-
their final conversation:
  " Now, David," said the 'Squire, " our journeyings
have come to a close. Here we are, under our own roof,
safe and sound. What reflections are you disposed to make
upon our gleawing8 and the boi8terou8 8cene8 through
which we have been constrained to pass I"
  " Well, uncle, my soul is weighed down with the woes
I see suspended over my beloved, native land. Free-
Soilism, like a dark and portentous cloud, hangs sus-
pended in the Eastern horizon; how soon it may burst
and prostrate all our ardent hopes, I cannot tell."
   I know not myself, David, what to think of the