entanglement of public affairs. I had hoped the principle
so fairly settled by the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, would not
have been disturbed. I could not find any valid objection
to allowing the inhabitants of the Territories to decide for
themselves, whether they preferred free or slave labor. By
this means, the disturbing question of Slavery would be
removed forever from the halls of Congress, where its
discussion has been productive of such infinite mischief."
   " The South, uncle, is contented to rest the question
where it is now placed; and if the North would yield,
the harmony of the Union would be immediately restored."
   " That I admit, David; but I can see no indications from
the North to encourage such a hope. Stronger feelings
of hostility to Southern Institutions seem to be growing
up in that section."
   " I must say, uncle, that hostility is most unreasonable
and unjust. Why persecute us for an evil-if it must be
so considered-which is not of our creation, but the work
of our ancestors The great problem left for our solution
is, what disposition can we make of the slaves which we
find among us t Have we not wisdom enough to adjust
this dangerous question-one in which we alone are inter-
ested-without interference from the North "
  " I suppose, David, we have to suffer for the deeds of
former generations. The doctors of Divinity assure us
that there is such a thing as original sin. Although we
were not in existence at the time of the transgression of
Eve and Adam, yet, by a mysterious connection, that sin
has traveled down through the long line of Adam's pos-
terity to this generation, who are none the less guilty
than our head and representative."
  " If that be so, uncle, and I am not going to enter into
a controversy on that intricate point, all I can say is, we
were not present to prevent it. If suffer for it we must,
I will asm to meet it with resignation."
  " I have one objection to this incurred responsibility,
David, and that is, to be disgraced and punished br the
sins of old England, the great monopolist, at one time,
of the African Slave Trade."
  " That is, I confess, a peculiar hardship uncle but if
it is ordained of fate, it is folly to resist. England