Ile, with his family and slaves, went to the South, and
settled upon the fertile hills back of Rodney, Mississippi.
  In the fall of 1824, our Henry Gray, with his family,
descended the Ohio from Wheeling, and landedi on the
Kentucky side, just above the mouth of Big Bone Creek.
There a most spacious bottom, of unsurpassed fertility,
sprread out to the distant hills. Here he had purchased
a large body of land, and intended to spend the balance
of his days. The forest fell before the vigorous strokes
of his numerous slaves, whose axes kept up an unceasing
noise. Ere many years a beautiful and extensive tarmn
was opened, and a splendid and commodious brick dwell-
in-, situated a short distance from the banks ot the Ohio
river, rose gracefully to view. On the lower edge of his
farm a little winding stream pushed its silent waters to
the placid Ohio. This was Big Bone-so named from
the mammoth bones found at a salt spring near its head.
  Blessed in all the relations of life, here, for many years
our Henry Gray resided in rural elegance. Ile had seve-
ral beautiful daughters, who made his house very attrac-
tive. His unbounded hospitality was a theme of admira-
tion throulghout the surrounding country, but it was Just
such hospitality as is common to all the sons of the Old
Dominion. He became popular with the people, and
was appointed a justice of the peace, an office which he
held for many years, until he was universally known as
'Squire Gray. The surname was usually dropped in
familiar conversation, and the 'Squire only used.
  His library was extensive, and composed of very valu-
able and well selected books not often met with at a far-
mer's residence. The constitution and laws of his country
he had made his particular study, and thoroughly under-
stood. As a politician, few excelled him. lie was a
complete master of all political questions which had agi-
tated the country the last twenty-five years. Abolitionism
he had watched from its earliest germ up to its present
amazing and dangerous growth. Whenever that subject
was named, his eyes beamed with fire, and the vast fuind
of information he possessed in relation to it, was poured
forth with warmth and great energy.
  He was a true lover of the Union; its perpetuity he