Col. Daniel Boon.    7

command of thrc; garifons, during the campaign a-gainft the Shawnefe.

In Mareh 1775, at the fnlidtation of a number of i gentlemen of North Carolina, I attended their treaty at Wataga, with the Cherokee Indians, to purchafe the lands on the fouth fide of Kenttirke river. A'.er this I undertook 10 mark out a road in the beft paflage from the lettlemcnts through the wilcernefs to Ktn-tucke.

Having collected a number of cnterprizing men well armed, 1 foon begun this work, we proceeded until we fame within fifteen mi!es of where Booniboroogh now (lands, where the Indians attacked us, and killed two and wounded two more.

This was the zd of March 1775.   Three days after they attacked us again, we had two killed and three wounded.   After this we proceeded m to Kenlucke I river without oppofition.

On the hvft of April we began to ertft the fort cf , BoonfWough, at a fait lick 60 yards from the river 1 on the fouth fide.

I     On the 4th they killed one of our men.

I On the 14th of June having finifhrd the fort, I returned to my family on the Clinch. Soon after I removed my family to this fort ; we arrived fafe ; my wife and daughter being the firfl white wemen that flood on the banks of Kentucke river.

December the 24th. the Indians killed one m?n and wounded another, feemirg determined to persecute us for erefting this fort.

July 14th 1776. Two of Colonel Calaway's daughters, and one of mine, were taken prifoners near the fort. I immediately purfued the Indiaus, with only eight men.

On the 16th 1 overtook them, k'.l'ed two of them, and recovered the girls, j    The Indians hid divided the-nfelves into feveral ji parties and attacked on the fume day all nur lettle-    jnents and forts, doing a great deal of mifchief. The hufaundcien were lho: d>wn i.i the ti;IJ, aaJ moil     :
