$ The Adventures of

the cattle were deflroyed. They continued their boftilities until

The 15th of April 1777, when a party cf io   of them attacked Boor.(borough, and killed one man, (>nd wounded four.

July 4th they attacked it again w ith 200 men, and killed us one, and wounded two. They remained 48 hours, during which we killed feven of them. All the Settlements were attacked at the fame time.

July 1 9th. Colonel Logan's fort wa   befieged by 200 Indians ; they did much mifchief; there were only fifteen men in the fort; they killed two and wounded one of them.   Indians lofs unknown.

luly 25.   Twenty five men came fiom Catolina. About

Auguft 20th, Colonel Bowman arrived with ieo men from Virginia. Now we began to Strengthen and had fkirmifhes with the Indians almoft every day.

The favages now learned the fupeiiority of the lonc knife, as they call the Virginians; being out generated in almoft every battle. Our affairs began to wear a new afpeft ; the enemy did not now venture open war, but praftifed fecret mifchief.

January 1, 1778. 1 went with thirty men to the Bine Licks on Licking River, to make fait for the different garrifons,

February 7th. Hunting by myfelf to procure treat for the company, 1 met a party of 102 Indians, and t  o Frenchmen marching again ft Boor thorough. They purfued and took me ; and the next day I capi-tu   !ed for my men, knowing they could not efcape. They were 27 in number, three having gone home with fait. The Indians according to the capitulation ufed ua generoufly. They carried us to Old Cheli-ccthr, thepiincipal Indian town on Little Miami.

On the i8tbof February we arrived there, after an unccmfirtab'e journey in very fevere weather.

On the 10th of March 1 and ten of my men were' ccnoufted to Detroit. On the 3cb we arrived there, and were treated by

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