out of the way, fhe would never fee a human creature. During this folilo-quy, a beautiful bird pafTeo, dole by her, fluttering along the ground, and went out of fight up one of the vallies. This drew her attention, and whilftcon-fidering what it might mean, another bird, of the fame appearanu, in like manner fluttered paft her, and took the fame valley the other had done. This determined her choice of the'Way ; and, in two days, which was on the 1 ith day of Auguft, fhe reached that fettlement ori Clinch, called New-Garcen': whereas ([he has fince been informed by woodsy-men)-had fhe taken the oflfcr v.djey, it would have led her back towards the Ohio. Mrs. Scott relates, thai she Indians told her, that the party was com-pofedoffour different nation?, two of whom fhe thinks they named 13i.-iav.ares { apd Mingqt?..

^he fiuti^g^V:       , du^flk *wj!ntrering, frnn. 'he tenth of July tip-the Jlcvtnrh  of Aiyuft, (he 'had no other fubfurance but c hewing and fwal-1 lowing the juice of \cung ?w>vJfctks,  N SaWras leaves, and (ftfe ....