During the summer months, we emply the force of the
department in putting the physical side of the department
in proper shape for the niext collegiate year's work, and
considerable energy is devoted to 'he preparation of courses
in shop, steam and 3lectrical Laboratories.

     Up to the present time, we have practically completed
all the repairs on machine tools and on the motive power in
the electrical and steam laboratories. The repairs on the
machinery In the wood shop and blacksmith shop cannot be
taken care of until after the Summer School session is complet-
ed.  ts have used our force very largely up to the press-at
time, in painting the laboratories and drawing rooms, and
after the summer session is over, we will, according to custom,
paint the woodwork in the shops.

     Lt is only by a careful overhaulin- of the complete
equimesnt'. that we are able to -ut the plant in any sort of
a serviceable condition, as most of the tools that we are
using are over twenty years old, and the service that they
receive at the hands of the students Is far severer than
that given tools in a shop where men are employed.

     The Summer School session has been a very interesting
one. Ihere have been twenty-six students talking all sorts
of branches in engineering, from elementary drawing to the
complex anallsi s of mathematieal, steam and electrical en-
gineering.    number of teachers have been very much inter-
ested in manual training experience and we believe that if
sufficient effort was put forth, w  ami-ht attract a good
many of the teachers of the state to take a manual train-
tng course wit# us. withb a view of taking up a little later
the teaching of this subject. le belb~ve that much could be
done to increase the interest of manual training through-
out the State.

     All of the courses in laboratories will be worked up
in detail during the wammer so that when the f&ll term
opens we will have a program of experiments in steam and
electrical engineering for Junior and senior students in
which each experiment will be given a particular place in
each week's program.   hose experiments that are not com-
pleted in any week due to unforseen holidays w11 b3 re-
quired to be made up on extra time.  It is only by a pro-
cess like this that wv are able to complete a definite
course of training in our advanced laboratory training.

     In the shops, we have been prep'ring courses of in-
struction covering not only the regular exercises but wo
are preparing drawings for patterns, cabinet work, black-
smith work, and machine shop work, that will enable us
to have plenty of instruct onal material on hand so that
there will be no loss of time In assigning to each student
after he has completed a piece of work another profitable ex-
orac s.