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look across the one-campus model, you will see similar titles in all of those cases. He said he
had really enjoyed working with Chancellor Holsinger through a lot of these discussions.

       One final point he wanted to make is that the new organization has taken advantage of
some retirements. They have taken advantage of some consolidations, and the University will
receive a $1.25 million recurring savings from these actions. In his opinion, that is important.
He said he plans to use that money to begin a pool of money that can be applied toward the
university's future needs. He indicated that they were not near the mark yet.

       He then reviewed the charges and definitions of some of the positions that he had
mentioned earlier in his presentation. The Vice President of Corporate Relations and Economic
Outreach will work with the faculty and students to define intellectual property within the
University and determine how to best take advantage of that. Dr. Fink will develop relations
with corporations that hopefully result in more research, with licensing, or with other business
opportunities. Dr. Fink will work, along with him, with communities in Kentucky to see how the
University of Kentucky can help initiate economic development opportunities in some of these
communities based on things the University does in its research area and its intellectual property
area. Dr. Fink will promote entrepreneurship within the University and throughout Kentucky
and investigate the University's present intellectual property policies and practices to see if they
can enhance the chance to do more deals. That is a very important role and a very significant
addition to the administration.

       President Todd said that he wants to have the Commission on the Status of Women to
advise him on issues of particular importance to the women on this campus: matters of gender
equity in employment, working environment, compensation and campus leadership, special
concerns about the campus climate, safety, personal well-being for female students, staff and
faculty; consideration of gender issues in the University's cultural affairs, communications and
publications, and curriculum and extracurricular opportunities. He mentioned the Fellows
program and the invitations stating that it is a black-tie event. These are the subtleties that he
thinks need to be addressed. The leadership or the make-up of the Commission will be
announced later after he has had an opportunity to talk with faculty and get more input on it.
This is also a very important addition to the administration.

       He talked about the Commission for Diversity. He mentioned a number of meetings that
he has had with the African-American community primarily, but this Committee is on diversity.
He said he hoped to have the leadership for that Commission within the next few weeks. The
Commission will advise him on things that are particular on point to the commitment to be a
champion for diversity. The University has made progress; however, he fully expects to make
greater progress this year. He wants to see the University exceed its goals. He thinks it can be
done with some effort through employment, work environment, compensation, leadership,
recruitment, retention and graduation of minority students. Graduation of minority students is
the place it can be done without spending a lot of money. Again, too, the same thing applies to
the recruitment and retention of minority faculty. There has to be a climate change for minority
faculty: they do not feel good and comfortable with the university's environment, and it shows.
He said that the Commission would be working on those issues. He also mentioned a general
concern about the creation of an inclusive campus in cultural affairs, communications,