1   The Graduate School
  Assistantships Student Support I
  Over 1,500 teaching and research assistant- Funds are available to students enrolled in   _
. _   ships are available from departments and other graduate programs for assistance with expenses  
( V i units of the University. In addition to an assis- relating to dissertation or thesis research, aswell Q
eo   I , i tantship stipend, full or partial tuition scholar- as for travel to present research at professional Q
  [ . ships are available for most assistantship hold- meetings.Application materials are available on  
  _'   ers, as is University-provided health insurance. the Web at: http://vvvvw.rgs.uky.edu/gs/fel-  
  `   The majority of assistantships are awarded lowship/suppor1;{°i1nding.htn1l.  
A D   r,,’   ,_ for the academic year. Students interested in an  
.i   __,  H A I se gy I _ assistantship should notify the appropriate Di-  
. t _  r `iai —f·’Q_ , i l rector of Graduate Studies by ]anuary for the  
_  I t _ . tt year, ater app icants ave a t
T M   i "%M if next academic · 1 l' h i ta
  V ,, P ·- it reduced chance of obtaining an assistantship.   ro
i"’~   _ r,X_M Most assistantship decisions are made by April   Tl
~   I M V7,_ _;   for the coming academic year.   dr
    U   Notification of an assistantship comes from   ar
»   !>~   fi   I _ the program. Contact the Director of Graduate   ro
Q ``'’r   H °‘ tit .. Studies in the program you seek to enter regard-   SI
  `   `T`¥‘ tj ing the availability of positions or the status of  
assistantship offers.   Ot
Professor Phyllis Wise, Physiology — recipient Fellowshlps    
of the Albéfi D- ¤¤d Ell28b€¥h H- Kirwan There are over 400 non-service fellowships  
Memorial PriZ°· available in all areas of graduate work. The   E
  majority of these fellowships include a stipend   ar
and Western Kentucky University. The Uni- as well as a tuition scholarship and university-   (3,
versity of Kentucky and the University of Lou- provided health insurance. Duration may be   SU
isville share a joint Ph.D. program in Social from one to three years, depending on fellow-   hr
Work, ship type. While fellowships are formally   it;
_ For more information on joint and coopcra- awarded by the Graduate School, nominations i · at:
tive programs, see The Gmdmzre School Bulletin. for most fellowships are made by the program in   CC
which a student seeks to enroll. g SU
INDEPENDENT STUDY Almost all fellowships are awarded for the   th
PROGRAMS academic year; thowever, a few fellowships are   m
sometimes available in the spring semester.   SC
(Correspondence Courses) Departments make fellowship nominations by   I.
No graduate credit is given for courses taken February for the next academic year, so students   ti;
by correspondence. interested in a fellowship are strongly urged to   as
I contact the appropriate Director of Graduate   In
REGISTRATION AND Studies no later than january 15 for the next   CC
CLASSIFICATION academic year. Notification of fellowship awards  
All d _ d dt generally comes from the Graduate School by   tk
beenrglfecflihsttfiiepgzfaldizibaSglig-:0f.nGf;dil1;if; a;i,:;1z;, ,,, ,,0,,,,,, ,,,     ix
Srudrors will ooororm ro rho g¤¤¢r¤i rogr$rra‘ represented areas applying for tuition scholar-   fc
rrorr sohoduro of rho Urrr"or$rrY and maY nor ship and cost of education funding (Common-   in
enter later than the last allowable date set by the wealth Incentive Awatds {Ot Kentneky teSt_  
University Registrar. dents) or for a Lyman T. johnson Fellowship   Va
Bor-oro r oErSrorr“g» a Sradrraro srudorrr rmrsr are considered for spring and summer terms, as   SC
obraro his or hor advrsoris aPProVar of th¤ well as for academic year awards. For more    
proposed program. information about these awards, call the R6-   jj
ASSISTANTSHIPS FELLOWSHIPS cruitment Office, (859) 257-4555, or visit on   1;
· v v the Web at: http://www.rgs.uky.edu/gs/ * i
STUDENT SUPPORT sneeI:nnd_htmI_ Q W`
Financial assistance is available in the form of Awards are sometimes offered before an ap-   SU
assistantships and fellowships as well as research plicant is officially admitted to the Graduate Q
funding. An assistantship is an appointment to School; all awards offered are contingent upon   E
specified teaching or research duties. A fellow- admission. Post-baccalaureate (nondegree) stu-   CC
ship is a non-service award made to superior dents are not eligible for fellowship consider- Q
students to assist in the pursuit of an advanced ation, or for those tuition scholarships that ° is
degree. For more information on assistantships accompany most assistantships. Post-baccalau-
and fellowships, visit the Web at: http:// reate minority students and women in under- ` at
www.rgs.uky.edu/gs/fellowship/ represented areas are eligible for Common- TI
fellowassist.html. wealth Incentive Awards.