I)eplorable and mortifying as it is, mistakes will occur. I note these.
hoping there are no others:
PAGE   4. First linle of the " yell," read " DeMolay, 'ralb, roo, 'ray!"
      33. Portrait of Sir Knight John Bornhauser, not Bornhansen.
      56. Portrait of Sir Knight C. J. Comstock, not C. 0. Comstock.
      6X. Twelfth line, read Sir Knight R. F. Bower, not Sir Knight R.
            F. Bowen.
      83. First line above sub-head, read J. R. Dupuv, not J. R. Duprey.
      85. Fifth line under sub-head, read J. R. Dupuy, not J. R. Duprey.
      102. Portrait of Mrs. Tlhos. W. Long, of Hopkinsville.
      142. Portrait of Mrs. C. B. Tippett, add, born Rebecca Grant.
      142. Portrait of Mrs. Will E. Ryan, read, born Hattie E. Wortham.
      i68. Last line foot-note, E. C. Pearson, not L. D.Pearson (his father).
      178. Portrait of Brigadier-General Eli H. Murray, not General, etc.
      213. Portrait of W. J. Nettelton, not Nettleton.
      224. Fourth paragraph, Sir Knight Richard Deering, not Dearing.
      235. Geo. M. Rogers, not Geo. Rogers.
      253. Edward H. Stevens, not Edwin.
      259. I. J. Turpin, not Turpen.
      347- Under picture, first name should be Mrs. L. A. Payne.
          Third line, read Miss Sarah Gild, of Clarksville, Tenn.
     350. Number of life members 1895-'96 omitted for want of informa-
           tion in time.
    35[. Last heading to the right, read Prelate, not Private.
    352. Chas. C. Vogt, not Chas. G.