IWERE men in general to confider how much a
little good management would add to the beauty and
perfcItion of the borfe, I flatter myf lf, no gen-
tleman would think his time fUl-fpent, in promoting
the due cultivation of fuch a noble, ufeful, and
fagacious animal. It is generally undeltood, that
horfes of a middlig, fIiz havt thr moilt fpirit and
agility. Indeed, I am extr-clmfly fond of this kind
of horfe, if good tempered, if the eyes be at once
bright, lively, refolute, and impudent: by the eye
may be discovered his inclination, paflion, inalice,
health, and indifpofition.

  Althouh, for a feries of years, the management
of the horfe has been my chief, my peculiar ftudy,
it may be fLippofcd my fvfrcmn will experience
SOME oppofition. Many perfons, too wife to be
taught, will exclaim-what.unbounded ignorance