CHAP. VIII.
Draught-Horfes; and how to render them
  quiet in Harnefs - -                   103

                 CHAP. IX.
Feeding, Grooming, &c. -  - - - - -      10o

                 CHAP. X.
Dialogue between the Author and a Travel-
  ler, on the Health and Indifpafition of the
  Horfe   - - - - - - - - - - - 114

                CHAP. XI.
Difeafes to which Horfes are liable, Cure,
  &c. aifo a Dialogue between Sir Richard
  Jebb and the Author-his Opinion,
  &c.  - - - - - - - - - -         120-160

                CHAP. XII.
Difcourfe on the Manege d'Equitalioni, with
  Plates, &c. -174

