a strip of land 190 feet wide which completes the boundary of
the University farm were added.   The purchase price was
$12500, $6500 of which has been paid out of accumulated funds.
The remaining amount will be paid in the next three years from
earnings of the farm.

    Organ for lllemorial BuileingE  In constructing `lhe Nemorial
Builfin, space was provTided for a pipe organ.   The building
will not be complete without such an instrument, so the Exe-
cutive Committee some time ago authorized, its purchase.
Lett'ers have been sent to Various builders throughout the
country and six proposals have been received.    I have talked
with many o-f the reOresen tfatives and visited one of the fac-
tories.   These ,)roposals have been analyzed and turned over
for further consideration to an excertv who will advise the
University as to the best instrument.    I hope to have a
recommendation to make at the next meeting of the committee.

    Action of Students on Prohibition.   One of the most iriF
cor-vant, things that has happened at the University in a long
time is the determination of the Men's Student Council to
enforce the University's regulations regarding drinking. This
resolution has been suported by the leading organizations
on tlhe campus, notably the 0. D. K,, Scabbard and Blade and
the Council of the Men's Dormitory.    Result s have already been
obtained through the action of the council.    In doing this
thing the students of -.he University have shown courage andl a
fine sense of honor.   The press throughout the country has
hailed it as the most important step taken in dealing with
student drinking, and I am'glad to report to the Board of
Trustees thlat I am much pleased with this forward-looking ac-
t ion.

    3. Report of Fire Inseector.    President McVey reported
to tihe Board that the city fire inspector had sent to his
office a digest of regulations required by law as affecting
the Uliversity Gymnasium.   After brief discussion concerning
expenditures necessary to be made to meet requirements of the
fire inspector's demands, Mr. Stoll moved that the matter be
turned over to the superintendent of buildings and grounds
with instruction to report back to this board at a future date
the R-pproximate cost of putting into effect the regulations
insisted upon by -he city fire inspector.    Mr. Stoll suggested
this sten so that opportunity mightA be bad to discuss with
the Athletic Council its proposal ; put in 1800 new seats on
the basket ball floor with the view that these seats be in-
stalled in accordance with the fire inspector's demands.

    4. Candidates for Degrees.   The following list of candi-
dates for degrees to be conferred upon students completing
their work at the end of the current semester was submitted
and, upon motion duly seconded and carried, the board approved