     5. Labor Co;2unication.  President McVey submitted for
the consideration of tee Board she following self-explanatory

                                    December 6, 1928

     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kent ucky
                                Re: Memorial Hall
     Gentlemen:                      University of Kentucky

     We have the contract on the above job for the cut
     stone work, and we wish to officially advise you
     that in the events we are not paid by the general
     contractor, J. T. Jackson Lbr. Company, for this
     work, we will look to you for payment.
     We do not anticipate any difficulty in getting our
     money, but are taking advantage -of our legal privi-
     lege by giving you official notice that we will
     look to you for our money in the event we do not
     receive any part of it from the general contractor.
     This is absolutely no reflection on the J. T. Jackson
     Luamber Company, the general contractors, but is a
     privilege granted all labor and material men on jobs
     they serve.

     Yours very truly,


     By G. E. Wilder

     Without motion, the m-att-er was referred to the architect
in charge of the building in question.

     S. Organ for Memorial Building.   President McVey report-
ed that as the matter of procuring an organ for the Memorial
Building would soon have to be attended to, he considered itv
necessary to get advice from some expert concerning the kind of
organ that should be procured for that building.   He asked
that he be given authority to employ such a one to advise with
the University to that end.  He asked specifically for author-
it-y to consult with Sydney Durst, of Cir.innati, organist of
the Cincinnati Conservatory of Mu' dpon motion duly sec-
onded and carried, the board approved this request and ordered
the expenditure of such funds as might be necessary to employ
Mfr. Durst for this purnose.

     7. Dedication of M41emorial BuildinTg.  After a brief dis-
cussion as to the pz-oriety of amnple dedicatory services for
the Memorial Building" on motion duly seconded and carried,
Presid:e-.nIt IMcVey was authorized to annoint a committee to ar-
range Lhe entire details for the forthComing dedication.