
     8. Retiring Allowance.   Mr. Sa-40l  stated that foL a con-
sidc-rable `ime tne Boarfl_ of Trustees, assisted by certain other
agencies of ,lthe Univorsity, had been seeking t o evolve a ylan
by which satisfactory retiring allowance miriht be -rovidca for
toachers and adriinis-ira`-ive officers reaching advanced age;
that- after many discussions and after due consideration of what
lic w' QvTas available upon this subject, the following resolution
sco-mAd to cmbody a plan that would bc f easible in t-his institu-
1 G nl  Mr. S-toll t-hen submi'tteod The following resolution:

          Whcnover any teoacher or adiinistrative offi-
     car shall have rcached .hc age of seventy years
     he shall no longer perform thc duties that he has
     theretoforc performed, but he shall perform such
     euties as may be designated by the President of -he
     University.   For t-he performing of such other duties
     he shall receive a sum equal to twenty per cent of
     *the salary-,r received by him at the age of seventy
     plus one per cent of t'he salary for each year of
     service in the University.   The salary so modified
     shall be paid as salaries of the faculty of the Uni-
     versity are paid.

     After discussion, Mr. Stoll moved the adoption of the
foregoing resolution.   Mr. Gordon seconded the mo tion.  The
motion was then put by Governor Sampson, and resulted in a
unanimous votce in favor of its adoption.

     9. Continuation of Employmen`t :. Continuation of employment
of Robert- T. Faulkner, County7 Agent, Johnson County, at a
salary of $191-2/3 a month, effecvive December 18, 1928 to
June 30, 1929.

    10. Buildine Achievements Outlined.   In connection w~ith
the re-iort ofwresident MeVey concerning the number of build-
inGs and amounts expended therefor on the campus of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky between the years of 1917 and 1928, the
following tabulated report- was submitted.  It was the concen-
sus of opinion of the -members of the Board present that this
inior:i~ation should be -reserved in hle tabulated fnrm in which
it was poresented, and spread upon the mzlinutes as a permanent
record.   On i-otion duly seconded,. and carried it was ordered
that this tabulat-ion be so treated.  The table follows: