






the sorority's formal dance given
Saturday night at the Phoenix hotel.
Miss Geneva Rice, of Erlangcr
was a visitor at the Beta Sigma
Omicron house last week end.
Mr. Olenn Roberts, of Dayton,
was a visitor at the Pi Kappa Alpha house last week end.
The Alpha Tau Omega chapter
, nnnounces the pledging of Mr. Nlcl
Plummer, of Lexington.




Friday, March 8
Delta Sigma PI luncheon in the
red room of the Lafayette hotel at
12:30 o'clock.
Omicron Delta Knppa meeting in
President McVcy's ollice at 5 p. m.
Saturday, March 9
Freshman dance from 3 to 6 o'clock In the Men's gymnasium.
Sigma Alpha Epsllon dinner In
the palm room of the Phoenix
6:30 o'clock.

Delta Chi formal dance in the
room of the Lafayette hotel.
Hours, 9 to 12.
Chi Omega alumnae luncheon at
12:30 o'clock.





Word has been received here of
the marriage of Miss Marie Utrupp,
of Ottawa, Ohio, to Mr, Robert T.
Mann Jr., of Lexington. The ceremony was performed in El Paso,
Texas, where Mr. Mann holds a position as civil engineer.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Utrupp, of Ottawa,
and Mr. Mann is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. T. Mann, of Lexington.
Mr. Mann attended the University
and was graduated from the College
of Engineering In 1925. He became
connected with governmental engineering work in Cuba and spent
two years in Denver, Col., before
going to El Paso.


Have Yoa Chosen Your Life Work
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The Harvard University Dental
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Mctcr-Lelan- d


Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin VanMetcr

announce the engagement of their
daughter, Isabella Macomb, to Dr.
Stanley J. Lcland.
Miss VanMetcr was a student at
the University and was graduated
from the College of Commerce in
192S. She is now on the editorial
staff of "Times" In New York City.
Dr. Lcland Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Simeon Elbridge Leland, of
Madison, Ind. Ho attended the University in 1922-2- 3
and was graduated from the medical school at
University last June. He
Is now on the pedrlatics staff of the
Long Island College hospital at
Brooklyn, N. Y.
The date for the wedding has not
been announced.
University Concert
The University Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of Prof.
C. A. Lampert, gave the fourth of
a series of concerts last Sunday
afternoon In the Men's gymnasium.
The orchestra has been meeting
with approval In each of its presentations and has also heen Increasing in instrumentation. '
The program, which consisted of
romantic music, was unusually well
presented. The program follows.
Overture Der Frelschutz ... Weber
Contra Dances
Cello Solo, Andante .... Golterman
Wesley Morgan
(1) A Castle in Spain.
(2) Dance in the Market Place.
(3) Dulcinea Dreams.
(4) Tale of the Troubadours.
Selection from Cavalleria
Ballet Egyptlon ,

Professor Miller
Speaks to Farmers

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head-gewhich we have
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such designers as GAGE
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Bring 'em today - get 'cm tomorrow

county sheep growers. At the conclusion of the "meeting, a Golden
Hoof club was organized which Is a
We repair slate, tile, tin and
branch of the Kentucky Sheep and
We also
composition roofs.
Wool Growers Association.
erect and repair gutter and
Mr. Miller told the farmers that
. the success of the sheep Industry
spouting. All work guaranteed.
placed a
blanket of snow Of the State denended Innrelv nn th
and cooperation of the
Ail Kinds of Furnaces
seen since 1918.
sheep raisers in every county of
the state. He said that the chief
enemy to sheeD ralslne was the mn.
Louise Tlley, Pauline Carpenter, iraudlng dogs and urged that a
103 W. High
Phone 2758
Edythe Literal, Josephine Cotton, strong organization be formed In
Cor. Near High and Lime
Ruth Allen. Kitty Flnnell, Alma Bath county to use Its Influence in
Crowder, Elizabeth
Smith, Mary Lou Foster, Louise
Schmltt, Virginia McKenney, Mary
Bruce Dally, Virginia Mackoy, Ellen Hart Smith, Margaret Wilson,
Margaret Wyant, Margaret Fry,
Wllma Robinson, Jane Lewis, Lulu
Garr Kendal.
And the pledges: Misses Mildred
We are in our new location and have four experienced
Phillips, Nancy Lee Roudebush. Eloperators to serve you.
Our hair cutter is up to the
olse Dickinson, Ann Brown, Sara
minute, having recently studied in New York the latest
Reynolds, Nina Budd, Hays McKenHowindividual trims.
ney, Jesse Wilson and Marie
PHONE 7225
chaperones were: Miss Sarah
G. Blandlng, Mrs. Amelia Rogers.
Mrs. E. F. Farquhar, Miss Ida
Turner, Miss Marjorle McLaughlin,
Miss Mildred Lewis, Mrs. Charles
Flnnell, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Powell,
Fourth Floor Embry Co., East Main
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Darnaby, Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Lewis, and Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Fowllnes.
The alumnae and out of town
guests present were: Misses Mildred
Cowglll, Lillian Rasch, Alice Young,
Nancye Kldwell. Katherine DickinYou
Fowlkes, Mary Giles Thorn, Sarah
Thorn, Evelyn Laird and Alma Lep-pe- r.


Limestone entrance to Kentucky campus when King Winter recently
over the Bluegrass. The snow was the heaviest the campus has
aldlne Cosby, Margaret Tuttle, Hel
en Brewere, of Frankfort. Mesdamcs
Betty Haley, Nell DeLong, Richard
Hopkins, of Paris, and Mrs. Coleman Collls.



Richard Miller, of the University
experiment station, spoke on March



2 In the courthouse of Owlngsvllle
to nn audience of about forty Bath

Alpha Delta Theta Dinner
Beta chapter of Alpha Delta
Theta sorority of the University en
tertained Saturday night at the
chapter house on East Maxwell
street with a dinner in honor of
Mrs. J. P. Wlldman of Hamilton,
Ohio, and Mrs. H. L. Palmer, of
The house was decorated with
yellow and white flowers and lighted
with white candles in silver candle-holder- s.
The same color motlff was
carried out in the menu.
The members of the chapter were
by the
assisted in entertaining
Alpha Xi Delta Luncheon
The Alpha Xi Delta alumnae met
Saturday afternoon for luncheon
Cadet Hop
with Miss Mildred Morris on Desha
The fourth of the series of cadet
hops was given in the Men's gymSpring flowers were used in profusion and a delicious buffet lun- nasium, Saturday afternoon from 3
to 6 oclock.
cheon was served.
The Rhythmn Kings orchestra
Those present were: Miss ElizaBain, Katherine furnished the music for the six
beth Wallts, Irma
which were played.
Forsythe, Mary Catherine Jasper,
Over five hundred guests attended
Mary Catherine Venable, Shelby
Margaret Cleveland, Ger- - the enjoyable affair.
The chaperones were the officers
of the military department and


Experiment Station Ilcpre-- ,
sentative Speaks to Sheep
Men at Owingsville

aiding the officers and the courts in
the enforcement of the dog law.
According to his estimation, about
150 farmers of Bath county are now
engaged in the raising of sheep.
The Initial membership or the
club Includes about 30 sheep growers. The officers elected were : J. F.
Dickon, Sharpsburg, president; H.
F. Howell, Owlngsvllle, vice president; W. W. Shields, Sharpsburg.
secretary. A committee will bo ap
pointed later by the present to so- licit membership In the club,


Thompson, Robert Warren, Louis
Weber, Ralph Gooch Woodall, and
David Young.
The pledges are Harry Bland, Ted
Cassldy, Ernest Crume, J. White
Guyn, Edwin Moffett, J. Barney
Delbert Noel, Hughes Nor-meRobert Penn, Virgil Sanders,
William Selby, R. B. Wallace, J. N.
Wlgglngton, Henry Young and William Kleth.
Several hundred guests were present.
Chaperones were: Prof, and Mrs.
Miss Marguerite
E. F. Farquhar,
McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel
Gooding, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Elliott,
Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey, Mr.
and Mrs. Glass, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Warren, Prof, and Mrs. H. H. Downing.
Hard Time Dance
Members of the Alpha Tau Omega
chapter entertained with a "hard
time" dance at the house on South
Limestone street Saturday night.
The house which was devoid of
furniture had as Its only decorations, posters on the wall and burlap window shades. Candles and
lanterns furnished the light.
Throughout the evening delicious
punch was served from a wooden
keg. The grab bag at the door held
favors for the girls. Preacher Giv-eand his "Wildcats" orchestra
dressed in rustic costumes furnished the music.
Members of the active chapter are
Messrs. M. N. Franklin, Raymond
Auxler, John W. Dundon, J. W.
May, W. S. Warnock, Hugh Adcock,
R. E. Ake, J. H. Calloway, Virgil
Couch, W. T. Drury, H. E. Wynn,
S. K. Allen, Merle Gunkle, G. H.
Marsch, Orville Nowack, Carey Spl-ce- r,
A. S. Augustus and Norman

Alumni Club Banquet
The Lexington Alumni Club entertained with a banquet last evening in the Lafayette hotel for the
members of the varsity and freshman basketball teams.
Mr. John Y. Brown presided as
toastmaster and several talks were
given by other members of the club
and the coaching staff of the UniNeff.
The pledges are Messrs. Kenneth
Andrews, O. K. Barnes, Guy Bayes,
Founders Day Banquet
Boucher, Frank Cutler,
Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity enter- James J.
Finch Hllllard,
tained with their founder's day ban John Drury, Morgan, Vernon Leslie
Meyquet last Friday evening at the fra McGal, Ross
er, Clark Pennington, William Santernity house on ose ana jviaxweu
ders. Frank Stubblefleld, Luther
Thp decorations were of the fra Vaughn, Norris Wilson and Niel
ternity colors, garnet and gold, with Plummer.
Chaperones were: Prof, and Mrs.
spring flowers on the table.
Momhprs of the chaDter. nledees. L. E. Nollau, Dr. and Mrs. E. I.
Scrivner, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
alumni and other guests were pres G. Knadler, of Louisville, Ky.
ent for the deughtiui anair.
About 100 guests were present.
Alpha Gamma Epsllon Dinner
Phi Beta Entertains
Mmhini nf the Alrjha Gamma
Kappa chapter of Phi Beta, woEpsllon fraternity entertained with
a dinner Sunday nigni ai me umm- - men's professional music and dranev Corner for initiates, nonorary matic art fraternity of the Univer- sity, entertained with a bridge narmembers and pledges.
Forty men attended tne mnner. ty Friday afternoon in the Henry
of Clay room or the Green tiantern.
among them being C. L. Miller,
There were eight tables of players
Ashland, who will be initiated as an
and a delicious salad course was
Kinnnrarv member of the fraternity:
professor of served at the conclusion of the af
Frank T. McFarland,
botany at the university oi
Forty guesets were present for the
faculty member, and Howard
O. R. McElrOV. Paul O'- - delightful affair.
Mn thaws.
Nan and E. M. Sargeant, alumni.
Delta Zeta Formal Dance
H. H. Davis, graduate memoer,
presided as toastmaster; talks were
Alpha Theta chapter of Delta
made by Mr. Miller, Dr. McFarland,y, Zeta sorority entertained delightfulPresident Preston Berry, J. C. Fin-le- ly last Saturday evening with a
Theodore Payton and E. M. formal dance In the ballroom of the
Sargeant. A quartet furnished the Phoenix hotel.
The platform on which the orchestra was placed was covered with
Falmouth Club Dinner
striped awnings and border with
The members of the Falmouth palms and ferns giving an outdoor
club were hosts at a dinner given effect. Japanese lanterns were strung
Friday night In the Henry Clay about the room and other decoraroom of the Green Lantern. After tions carried out this scheme.
The members of the active chapthe dinner dancing was enjoyed.
The members of the club present ter were hostesses for the affair.
were Messrs. Clav Brock. Robert They are Misses Lydla Latham, Lois
Thompson, James Thompson, Frank Perry Brown, Henrietta
Davidson. Leslie Lehman. Henry
Scott, Waller Jones, William
James Somes, Leonard Weakley,
The guests included Misses Mary
Grace Heavenrldge, Gladys Smith,
Elolse Dickinson, Mary Elizabeth
cone. uSKitiur fb as
Brothers, Lisle Walters, Martha
KM yjr& cmN4t Won
Davis, Virginia
Minlhan. Katherine
Baker. Nancy Jones. Kathleen Fitch
and Betsy Bennett.


Pi Kappa Alpha Formal Dance
Th pi Kanna Aloha fraternity
entertained with a formal dance
Saturday night at the Larayette
The fraternity colors of garnet
and gold were used in the decorations and the lighted shield hung
above the orchestra. The music was
played, by the Masqueraders.
Attractive nmi'riims ill the form
of the fraternity crest were given
the guests.
Messrs. Joe Allen, Robert Alsover,
Lawrence Alexander, Will Ed Covington, Brown Dlckerson, William
Durbeck, Robert Gibson. Donald
Glass. James Hester. Leon Hoff
man, Fred McLane, Hart Miller,
Jack Rash, Thomas Riley, Thomas
M. Rose, Alwyn Thomas, Oliver D.







Z. T. A. Entertains
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority entertained Monday, February 25, with a
formal banquet in the palm room
of the Phoenix hotel In honor of
Miss Mildred Spragg, national Inspector, who has the guest of Mrs.
W. E. Davis.
The banquet table, decorated with
hyacinth plants and candles was In
the shape of the letter Z. Lumln-ate- d
above the speaker's table were
the sorority letters. Blue and sliver
programs in the shape of question
marks, included three 'toasts: "The
Three Question Mark Girls," given
by Elizabeth Cramer: "To Zeta Tau
Alpha," by Mildred Little, and "To
Alpha Chi." by May Bryant.
Mrs. W. E. Davis and Miss Mildred
Spragg were the guests of honor.
Thirty-eigguests In all were
Marlon Sloan and Miss
Katherine Davis spent last week
end In Midway with Miss Mary
Lewis Marvin.
Miss Ruth McDonald was a week
end gueset at the Alpha Xi Delta
sorority house.
Miss Virginia Baker and Miss
Jean Kennedy were in Montlcello
last week end.
Week end guests at the Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority house were
Miss Dolly Cox and Miss Mary Nash
Averlll. of Frankfort.
Miss Phyllis Wendt spent last
week end at her home In Newport,


Blllle cauison visneo over
the week end In Mlddlesboro.
of Carlisle
Miss Katherine Frey,
and Dorothy Jameson of Cynthlana,
were week end guests at the Alpha
Gamma Delta sorority house.
Miss Louise Wheeler Is confined
to the Good Samaritan hospital
following an operation for appendicitis.
The Mothers Club of Delta Tau
Delta entertained the active members and pledges with a tea at the
chapter house on Monday afternoon.
Messrs. Roy Eversole, Carlos
Claude Walker and Ed Barkley
attended the monthly dinner of the
Louisville Alumni Club of Delta
Tau Delta held at the Seelbach hotel last Friday night.
Mr. Louis Wachs was In Newport
last week on a business trip.
Mr. Al Welling has beeen visiting at his home in Covington for
several days.
Messrs. D. B. Nelson and Herbert Dunn, of Paducah, were visitors at the Alpha Tau Omega house
last week end.
The Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity
wishes to announce the Initiation of
Messrs. Gilbert deMeyer, Fulton;
Carl Hand, Racine, Wis.; J. C. Morrow, Frankfort; G. R. Terrlll,
John Walker, LaPorte,
Ind., and James Winn. Danville.
Messrs. Clyde Miller, Ashland;
O. L. McElroy. Guy McClure, Irvine, and I. M. Garred, Louisville,
were visitors at the Alpha Gamma
Epsllon house last week end.
Miss Virginia Cochran, of Winchester, was a visitor at the Alpha
Delta Theta house last week end.
Misses Alma Leper, Lillian Rasch,
Katherine Dlckerson, Natalie Bry-so- n,
of Covington: Mildred Cow-gi- ll,
Owensboro; Nancy Kldwell,
Maysville; Jean Allen, Jean Wood,
and Naomi Sengle, of Louisville,
were visitors at the Delta Zeta
Courtesy C. P. A. house last week end and attended


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